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                     Chapter 1|sleepover


Mr. Jeon was my childhood love , an innocent love.

As children , it's easy for us to love.
We may sanctify anyone who shows us intersr , buys us a gift , or pats us on the head , especially if life throws is into the hands of bad parents.

I got to know him through his daughter Herim my friend since elementary school , and found in him what I hadn't found in my cruel father , tenderness.
His kindness bandaged my wounds.

I wished I had given birth to his daughter.
Despite his nervousness and his preoccupation , since he's a businessman , he didn't skimp on his affection for his twovyoung children.

They were the focus of his life , he would snatch from his working hours to spend time with them , take them to amusement park , buy them toys and clothes , and declare his interest in them financially and morally.

I'm not supposed to compare myself to a wealthy family like Jeon's , but I have the right to blame my father who gives me nothing but restraints , physical and emotional abuse , and discouragement.

From an early age , I began to rever him as a person , because he treated me as he treats two brothers , and as I grew older and transitioned from childhood to adolescence , my eyes rejoiced at him as a man , and which female wouldn't be enchanted by him and drowned in his blue charms?

Hirim called me; my best friend to sleep over at her house; slumber party A violent quarrel broke out betweenmy father and me when I asked his permission , I came out of it with a broken heart and a violet bruise on my cheek , but his consent is worth the argument.

I arrived at the house of the Jeon family in the evening , more precisely their mansion consisting of three floors , surrounded by a vast garden , with a swimming pool , a tennis court , and an orchard of red roses.

And here we are in the kitchen , where we have agreed to make dinner , cooking is one of the interests we share.

             -I can't understand you, Hirim, there are so many servants in the house , why are you bothering with the cooking?

Mrs. Jeon entered the kitchen complaining about her daughter. She's a tall , pretty woman with big brown eyes and long chestnut hair. Hirim is a copy of her, but she keeps changing her color. Her father has allowed her to do since we moved to university and he's now blond.

              - You know that I love cook , and I couldn't believe that my close friend who is finally at my home sharing my hobby with me , except for the servants no one encourages me or cares.

Hirim feigned resentment , and Hyeun hated me.

She never loved me because of my humble family background. She's a classy, vulgar woman who wants the best for her children.

Over time, she has come to accept me.

              -Do you think it appropriate to have guests served in your house?

I frowned lightly and tidied my short locks behind my ear.

We have been friends for ten years. It's true that I rarely visit the house but our relationship is old enough to make me part of the family.

She came up from the table and poured herself a glass of water, for Hirim had dismissed the servants as soon as we colonized the kitchen.

             -Of course, but that's not true anyway.

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