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                 Chapter three |Dilemma


         Parents controlling their children have two consequences : their introversion or rebellion , and I was of the second type.

    I  haven't lost my social abilities because of their strong restrictions on my life , and although my father forbade me from having any relations with males, I can deal with them without stuttering at least, and I've a young friend who doesn't know about him.

My closet was watched , I wasn't allowed to wear short or tight clothes, all that was folded inside were trousers and shirts, and some long skirts and dresses for occasions, but that didn't prevent me from challenging their sophisticated taste.

Sometimes Hirim brings me her clothes, so that I can wear them in public  bath before entering the university with a look that I like.

I was silent for a while as I studied her presentation, and twirled the pen around my forefinger in absolute concentration. Sneaking out of the house without my family knowing was never aproblem, but knowing my father's character made me anticipate rejection with a sigh.

  -I can't. You know that every night I spend a night-out of the house, my parents think that being away from them, even for a short period, is enough to spoil my qualities. To that extent, they don't trust me.

      Hirim didn't press her request, as she said understandingly.

-I've seen the injustice that you coexist with-with my own eyes, so I'm the person who feels your suffering the most, as if you're an occupied city, and I don't need to talk to know to that what is hidden is greater.

She smiled gratefully becuse she's a friend of someone like me, who understands me without speaking. Before I could translate my feelings into words, I spoke dramatically.

   -My father is strict, but he gives me some freedom to breathe. Despite this, I'm not satisfied. I would go crazy if I were you.

I lowered my head until my gaze fell on the notebook and the pen caugh up with it, at a moment when my distraction made me lose my shields.

   -"I envy you, Hirim. Even if you make a misforturle, your punishment doesn't amount to physical abuse."

When I realized that I had said too much, which wasn't my nature, I returned to our main subject and feigned enthusiasm.

The last thing I want is to spoil her mood when she's about to make a dangerous move.

     -Enjoy your evening, and don't drink alcohol, keep me updated.

  -"Don't worry, I'm not a surveillance mission and I've to be conscious."

After the call ended, I continued doing my homework.
   From time to time I would receive messages from Hirim, pictures of the interior of the club and what lay around where she was sitting, as well as personal pictures of her, who was wearing a black dress.

  It's been over an hour and Taehyung still hasn't appeared. I go from the desk to the bed, after turning off the light, staying awake to reply to her messages, I won't fall asleep until she gets home safely.

Another text jumped into our conversation windo, which I read with drooping eyelids.

  -There are two young men who are trying to flirt with me, and I'm starting to get annoyed by their rude talk. Do they not understand by indicuting that their presence isn't deirable?

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