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                Chapter four | Lifeline.


One o'clock at night, the sky above us is datk, sending cool breezes upon us, as if it wants separate me from him.

                   Vilan, you're crazy.

His sarcastic question is spinning in my head: Do you like my hug?

It was gesture to move away from him, but I clung to his shoulders, unwilling to end this romantic moment, despite its pornoghraphic effect, and nodded in confession.

                   -I like youe embrace, I don't remember when was the last time a man hugged me, or the last time I felt safe.

My eyelids jumped when I regained consciousness and I nervously corrected myself.

                   -I mean, the men in my family are not a fan of hugs, some of them cosider it disrespectful.

In my opinion, he was perfect in heart and soul, not only a good-looking man, but also a person overflowing with tenderness, although it didn't reach his tongue. His action spoke on his behalf and fluently, with those close to him, of course.

I don't classify myself among them, but he treats me with kindness and respect, at least he doesn't wear the cold CEO mask in front of me and distribute his sharp looks to my eyes.

                   No constantly.

He's attractive, I can't resist  falling for his charm, just as the gravity of the earth prevents things from flying in space, his gravity prevents my interest from leaving him, keeps me chained to the land of my pink dreams, and I know they will never come true.

Everyone experiences admiration, but no one chooses the person he likes, rather he bumps into him inside, wether he is available or not, that doesn't really matter, because admiration is usually a fleeting feeling, like a student's admiration for her teacher, which soon goes away.

I think my feelings for Jungkook are fleeting, as my heart sees what is lacks, love and kindness.

                   -I wish you were my father.

The words came out of me depths with sincerity, I was distracted in his contemplation with two silent eyelids, I didn't blink for a while for fear that his beautiful  image would fall from me.

I sighed sadly.

                   -In other words, if I had a father like you, my life would be better than the version I'm living now.

He stands in front of me with his tyrannical prestige, and if it indicates something, then it's domination and domination. His dark aura inspires me with awe  and desire as well. His eyebrows are furrowed with displeasure, and his piercing gaze           penetrates my walls. Do my words offend him?

                   -I also don't tolerate rebellion.

   His hand pressed against my waist, reminding me  that it was still there, that I was still his prisoner, and that I should watch my tongue.

                   -Such actions have dire consequences.

I lowered my hands from his shoulders to his chest hesitantly.

                   -Your dear friend will regret what she did.

We didn't stop exchanging looks, I stared at him sadly and he answered me harshly, my eyebrows were broken and his eyebrows were tight, until I entered my mouth to fix the situation

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