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Chapter Six | Attraction


Hyesung's the playboy who hasn't repented of breaking girl's hearts since high school, and the girls don't repent of begging for his attention, even though they know they'll be forgotten after just one night.

Thus, he doesn't allow love to interfere in his relation with the opposite sex, he's satisfied with taking what he wants from them and then throwing them aside.

That young changes his girlfriends like his underwear.

The longest relationship he ever had lasted only one month. I suspect that girl blackmailed him into making an exception. The daughter of high school principal. I still remeber her cleary. She wasn't a friendly person.

And noe he says he wants to propose to me?

I couldn't take his words seriously, I'm one of the people who know him well, even though I'm his sister's friend in the first place.

An awkward silence prevailed between us, each of us looking at the other with concentration, I don't know if I was delusional or if he was unable to look into my eyes for a long time. Although I found no trace of joking in him, I burst out laughing.

- You freaked me out, you bastard.

I slapped his arm lightly my voice breaking in the chaos in my mouth.

-Hey, your acting skills are improving. I was about to believe your offer. You'r the king of pranks for a reason.

I bent down and hit my knee with my palm, a veil of tears formed that made my vision a bit blurred, so I didn't catch the expression on his face when I added between my laughter.

-I will suffocate, let one of you save me. Did you agree with your father to kill me with a fit of laughter today?

I closed my eyes and allowed my mouth to widen, until he roughly placed his palms on my shoulder and pinned me to the ground.

-Vilan, I'm not kidding with you, I've never been so serious in my life like now.

The ringing of my laughter dissipated and the tip of my lips gradually lowered until the line between them became straight.

-Are you serious?

After a long silence, I hesitantly tossed the first question that occurred to me, followed by another during which my tone was more balanced, my entire confusion gathered in my sockets.

-Do you want to associate with me?

His eyelides closed in the affirmative, and at that moment mt tongue was silent, I didn't know whàt I should say, and when I spoke my jaw trembled.


A little later and the shock will banish my stares from their home.

-What prompted you to sat that?

His hands tight around my shoulder insistently.

-Engagement is the only solution for you to get rid of your father's grip and enjoy you freedom, then you will become the responsibility of another man, and he won't be able to interfere in your affairs.

He collected his breath and then went on:

-Because the longer you stay in his arms, the more you'll suffer. I won't bear to see the bruises on your face, knowing the suffering you're going through.

His argument is logical, I've no choice but to engage if I wanna live a normal life, it's for my personal benefir, but what about him? What will he gain?

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