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Chapter Seven | consequences


There were moments of stillness, during which I felt my heart stop beating.

I convinced myself that it was only a person who looked like him, but he rushed towards me with a grim face, and the crowd didn't hinder his progress, he saw me before I saw him and ruined all my chances of disappearing from his sight.

I caught my breath as if a violent earthquake had hity chest, and my eyes fixed on the man who was approachhing me, separated from me by a short, almost nom-existent distance.

I was aware of the shouting of Hirim, who caught a glimpse of him making his way towards us despite the crowds, he was about to overtake us, I was too late to stop him.

-Oh, my God, what brought him here?

I was in shock, my mind preoccupied with the fate that awaits me I couldn't say a word, and Hirim shook her legs excitedly.

-"He's coming towards us, and his countenance doesn't bode well. He's seen your current appearance, not far enough for us to accuse him of being short-sighted after you've changed your clothes"

The desperation in her voice made me panic. The emptiness occupied my face and I decided to surrender to my destiny until her hand wrapped around my wrist.

-Let's run away, we won't let him catch you, at least not on campus.

My eyelids opened wide, and my eyebrows contracted a bit.

-Are you crazy?

Before I could answer her reckless idea in the negative, she proceeded to carry it out and dragged me behind her.

-I'm just trying to get you out of the situation with minimal losses.

I faltered behind her, unable to comprehend what was going on, so she turned towards me with dissatifaction.

-Move your feet, Vilan, you don't want the story of your complex family problems to be on every tongue.

She unleashed her long legs, absent-mindedly Jarrett, and muttered her jogging pace.

-It's my end.

My father's voice came from behind me hoarsely.

-Vilan, stop there, where do you think you're going?

I checked him over my shoulder, and saw him throwing menacing looks at me.

-Your account with me will be difficult.

I know running away will double my punishment but Hirim leaves me no second choice, and in a way she's right.

-Come on, hurry up a bit.

We penetrated among the students, and she took care of pushing them out of our way, sometimes hitting one of them on the shoulder and cursing her, and sometimes she turned around to check on my father who was still jogging behind us, determind to catch me.

-That old man is unbelievable.

I could only see her blond hair in a ponytail swinging back and forth.

-Where does he get all that energy coming after us?

I soon realized our decision was wrong and spoke up through my labored breath.

-Stop, Hirim.

She didn't hear me because of the loudness of her panting, so I stopped suddenly, which made her stop in turn, and she met me with a face that kidnapped its colors.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2023 ⏰

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