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Chapter Five | Show me


I buried my face in his shoulder, and put my hands behind his neck tightly, as if he would escape from me if I relaxed them a littel, I wanted to protect the moment for as long as possible.

My legs around his waist like double quotation marks, he sits between them like a quote, a breathtaking lewd quote.

I didn't move an inch, even after I came to my senses, because the moment I had to face him I would have to get up from his lap.

I don't want it.

His long, dark locks were tied up, some of them too short to join, and lay lost on his neck, his scent taking over my room and my senses.

-Thank you, Mr. Jeon. I'm really greatful for what you did for me. I don't know what would have happened to me had it not been for your intervention.

I swallowed a lump that threatened the stability of my voice, which trembled a little at the beginning of my words, and then disclosed.

-Yes, I know, I would say farewell to all the dreams that I have strived for, I would have watched my future crumble idly by, I would have been at the mercy of my father for the rest of my life.

Silence embarrassed by my impulsiveness, and it was only second until he put his palms on my back, and injected reassurance into myself.

-It's okay, I'm listening.

I'm not the kind who likes to spoil the mood with his worries, but the warmth I felt in his embrace snatched away my confessions.

-I hate feeling helpless whenever he extends his hand on me, I hate that I'm forced to execute my words so that they don't bring me more pain, and that I've little help, I only resort to tears, as a weak person.

My tattered breath lay on Jungkook's shoulder, draped in his classic black jacket, while he leaned his head towards my ear, hissing angrily.

-You don't have to remain silent for fear of punishment, you don't have to hide from his injustice to you.

He stretched his palm through my hair, and exhaled narrowly, polite his thick tone so as not to frighten me.

-Do you know what a man fears most?

He said after a whilr, stoically:

-A woman who has a personality, so he tries to erase her with all his strength, and rod her of her voice.

The pressure of my body with it, that friction between our edges kindled a fire slowly consuming me below, and I liked the burning so much that I wanted to rub my femininity with it again.

My thoughts were confused by the clamor of my heartbeat. I forgot that I was complaining to him about my father's injustice, but his strict tone pulled me out of my momentary wandering.

-He has no right to enslave you like this, you are not something he can manage as he wants, if you were not a minor.....

He was silent, so my desire to explore his expressions led me to look at his face, and I found in him every reason to flee!!

-What if I'm not underage?

Because of the intensity of his staring at me, my lenses shook, he didn't hide any glimpse of what he was thinking, his looks were vague.

-To help you separate yourself from him.

I lowered my hand to his shoulders, and parted my lips to get more air, his hot air choking, his charming look breathtaking.

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