chapter 12

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(Sup Ya'll, hope you like the chapter even though the last chapter was a bit brutal. Also, the povs will mostly be around Muichiro since you, u know.)


       Muichiro was sitting in a room at the Ubuyashiki estate along with the other Hashira who were talking about facing the uppermoon demons, but his thoughts were clouded by thoughts of Y/N. 'Why did she leave so fast' 'what happened to her to make her that sick' 'why was she acting like she only had a day to live' these are all thoughts that passed swiftly through his head and the most worrisome thing is that he felt as if a piece of him had been ripped out and now there was just a gaping hole in his heart. "Thank you for waiting so long" a calm voice said cutting through the jumbled conversations like a knife, the beautiful woman kneeled on the tatami mats performing a shallow bow. "I am Amane Ubuyashiki and I will represent Kagaya Ubuyashiki t today's Hashira meeting" Amane said "due to master Kagaya's worsening he is no longer able to appear before you. He extends his heartfelt apology". All the Hashira immediately sits as well and Gyomei spoke "Understood, I pray from the bottom of my heart that the light of the master's life continues to burn even one day longer, and that lady Amane's spirit remains strong". Amane looked at the ground for a moment before replying "I am deeply grateful to all the Hashira."

                          ~ time skip to end of Hashira meeting brought to you by an extremely lazy author ~

    Giyuu stood up saying "since lady Amane has left, I'll excuse myself." Sanemi looked at Giyuu with a slightly crazed look "hey wait! don't be rude! we have to decide what we're going to do." he said and Giyuu replied with a simple "the six of you should talk. I'm not involved". Sanemi and Obanai started ganging up on Giyuu while Mitsuri tried to diffuse the situation until Gyomei clapped his hands together creating such pressure to make Sanemi fall. After quite a long conversation Muichiro asked Shinobu a question out of the blue "Kocho?" "yes" she replied. "If someone said they were just a little sick but they're obviously lying, what sickness do they have." Muichiro asked Shinobu seemed to consider it while the rest of the Hashira looked him weirdly.


     Shinobu thought about my question for a few moments "well you would have to tell me how this person looks for me to decipher a disease" she concluded. I shuddered slightly remembering Y/N's bones poking out of her graying skin "well she has gotten a lot skinnier like a lot her skin has taken a gray tinge and her skin is always cold" I said "hmm" Shinobu looked deep in thought "well those sound like symptoms for a deadly disease, maybe tuberculosis" she said. My eyes widened as my heart started to beat faster 'deadly disease, like death' my breathing became quicker.


     After what Kocho said it was clear that Muichiro was on the verge of a panic attack and Kocho slightly panicked at the state she put the young mist pillar into. "H-hey it's alright" the love pillar said comfortingly patting the boys back gently.


        'Does she know that she's going to die, is that why she was sort of awkward with me. I thought she was just tired but then again that attitude before she left makes sense.' I thought while Mitsuri tried to comfort me. I abruptly stood up "thank you for the information Kocho" I said then left walking to wherever my feet took me.

(A bit of a shorter chapter today sorry. Stay weird peeps)

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