New Life

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"Keisha, the jig is up." She says to the phone, on FaceTime, leg bouncing with nerves.

"What?" Keisha asks, puzzled because Simone didn't give any context.

"It's out. Keisha, I saw Liv, Liv saw Miyah, and in Miyah Liv saw Jordan." She rambles, hoping Keisha can keep up.

"Simone, I don't understand. You saw Liv?"

"YES, Keisha. I fucking saw Liv. And Liv saw Jordan's mini me. Whom is also her mini me when you consider the fact that they're fucking twins. Oh God. How do I do this? How do I explain, hey Liv, yeah, here's your four year old niece, that I didn't get to tell you about? She loves the color pink and likes to have tea parties. The math isn't mathing Keisha." Simone continues rambling, more to herself than Keisha at this point.

"Simone, slow down. Take a breath." Keisha says, taking a deep breath in for example.

"I'm trying but, she's on her way here. She wants to talk." Simone says, anxiety through the roof.

"Simone, listen, it was only a matter of time before something like this happened babe."

"I'm not prepared." Simone admits.

"And you quite possibly never will be but, she was your best friend. Speak your truth and the rest is up to her." Keish says.

"What are you, a guidance counselor?" Simone asks, turning her nose up childishly.

"No but, I did major in psych for a semester. What I am, is your sister. Who will protect you no matter what. But, I also have to give you honesty, when it is needed." She responds, Simone looks at her on the camera and she looks like she's deep in thought.

She's about to ask her what she's thinking about when she hears tires rolling into her driveway. The crunch of gravel only serving to kick her anxiety back into gear.

"Alright Keish, I got to go. She's here." Simone says solemnly.

"Good luck." Keisha says, hanging up the phone.

Simone has Miyah at Lando's, so she can talk to Liv with no distractions.

There's a knock on the door and Simone answers, letting Liv in.

"Would you like something to drink?" Simone asks, watching Liv look around and take in the photos of her and Miyah. She picks up one, it's just Miyah when she was two, they were at the park and she was on the slide.

"Oh no, I'm okay."

"What's she like?" Liv asks as she studies the picture of Miyah.

"She's amazing. Smart, fierce, observant, sweet, funny. She's got an appetite out of this world and she's witty as hell. She reminds me of you and Jordan mixed together, with dashes of me too." Simone answers truthfully.

"Wow." Liv says to herself, putting the picture down to follow Simone to the living area. She chooses the stand alone chair and Simone sits on the couch.

"So, really Simone, how have you been?" Liv asks, she can see the worry in her eyes. Simone tosses the question around in her mind before answering.

"Despite everything, I'm actually okay Liv."

"I'm glad. Even though we lost contact, I've always wished for nothing but the best for you."

"And that's always been reciprocated over here too. For what it's worth, I missed the hell out of you." Simone confesses.

"Ugh, I missed you too." Liv responds, smiling. Getting up with open arms, and Simone easily welcomes her embrace. Holding her tight and feeling all the years worth of distance melt away in each others arms.

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