A Moment for Them

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Author's Note: This one is lengthy, so buckle up and let me know how you're feeling along the way. Or at the end. Enjoy!

Switching the line over she catches the call again.

"You're back?"

"I'm going to pull my fucking hair out." Simone mumbles to herself, groaning as she scratches off another mascot performer company.

"No ma'am. You're not allowed." Liv says from over the phone.

"Why not?" She groans out, laying her forehead against the table top.

"Because that sounds like you're about to give up. And for Miyah, we never give up." Liv says self assuredly.

"You're right." She says frustrstedly.

"Okay, so what are you missing?"

"The last thing I wanted was for Miyah to have the freaking Moana princess come but, they keep telling me they don't have any performers for that one."

"Screw them, what a bunch of pansies. Moana is the shit." Liv says, which internally makes Simone giggle because she knows Miyah forced her to watch it.

"She is the shit and I need them to get with the program." Simone responds, very highly annoyed.

"Do you have any more options?"

"I've got two more places to call on this list. If they don't do it we're just going to have a Moana-less party."

"Awww no, that would stuck. Moana is Miyah's jam. And that's literally the theme of the party."

"I know, right? I've got the slip and slides and all types of water amusement but I can't pin down a fake Moana. How does that work?" She asks.

"I'll do it if they don't." Liv pipes up.

"You're too light skinned ma'am. And Miyah would know you. But, thanks for the offer." Simone giggles out, considering it for just a millisecond.

"I'm going to call you right back. Let me call them and if they don't you'll be able to find me in the corner sulking." Simone says, pouting and huffing out a deep breath.

"No sulking. However..."

"However, what?"

"I can tell there's something else going on, what's on your mind?" Liv insinuates. She knows if they were face to face she'd be squinting her eyes giving her the, bare your soul to me, stare.

She contemplates her answer, softly kneading the side of her bottom lip with her teeth.

She's nervous for Miyah's birthday but, for more than one reason. The biggest reason being a six foot two NFL player who may or may not show up for baby girl.

She's fearful of how badly she wants him to be there. Not for herself but for Miyah, she deserves to have some semblance of family.

But, she doesn't trust him. Old wounds being reopened when she thinks about the fact that he knows now. It's a hard concept to grasp considering all the time that has passed.

She's scared that he's going to hurt Miyah. It's her biggest fear materializing as a possibility now.

"Ugh...I don't know." Simone responds, her tone solemn.

"If there's one thing I know about you it's that you'll figure it out. And when you tell me you don't know, you're hiding. Talk to me." Liv softly urges.

"I'm scared Liv." She states honestly.

"What are you scared of?"

"He knows now. And I spent all this time in this bubble, building a world where, in my mind, no one could hurt her."

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