Cracks in the Facade

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Author's Note: "Hey y'all, happy new year! I hope it's been kind to y'all so far. Just to preface this chapter took on a life of its own so it's long but, I hope y'all enjoy! And as always, leave thoughts in the comments!

"Jaymee, I understand but, I'm not sure if I can make it." Simone denies, getting up out of the bed to get ready for the big day.

"Well it's crucial that you at least try to be there. You're literally his fiancée, you have to be at the playoffs, they're close to the Superbowl." She pleads her case.

"Am I going to have to deal with your sister in law?" Simone asks.

"Come on Simone, be a team player, a team wife, if you will. And you know Susan wants to see you." Jaymee pushes and Simone rolls her eyes.

Over time Simone has actually grown a bond with with football wives. Of course she never thought it'd ever be her life but, she's making the most of it.

They've truly been so supportive and welcoming that it's almost disarming. Every one of her preconceived notions about them ending up being untrue.

She's flown out to Atlanta a couple of times to attend events. She's also felt comfortable enough to bring Miyah with her, introducing her to Jaymee and Asher's kids, Donovan and Ashley.

Though, out of all of the women, Simone has grown the closest to Jaymee and Susan. They're probably the only reason she was able to somewhat let down her walls and integrate with everyone.

They've became the sisterhood that she never knew she needed.

Which explains why she and Jaymee are on FaceTime bargaining for Simone's attendance at seven in the morning.


"Siimmmmooonnneeee." She counters in a sing song voice.

Simone takes a second to think about it before answering.

"Fine, I'll make my way." Simone agrees, rolling her eyes at the eager squeal Jaymee let's out at her agreeance.

"Good! You probably don't think so but, we miss you here when you're gone." Jaymee explains.

"I miss you ladies too. Now, go ahead and call Susan cause I know that's what you're about to do. You two love to gossip."

"You know me so well." Jaymee responds and Simone giggles, getting off the phone.

She takes a deep breath getting off the phone to prepare for Liv and Spencer's wedding today.

They just went through rehearsals yesterday night and she'll be walking down the aisle with Jordan.

She gets Miyah up and ready to go. They didn't have an official flower girl but, they immediately put the little one on the job.

She's groggy because it's an earlier than usual start for her so, she sleeps the whole ride to Liv and Spencer's house.

When she arrives to the house there's already a couple of cars in the driveway.

She carries Miyah to the front and knocks on the door.

"Hola! Come in, come in!" Liv greets when she makes it to the door. Immediately grabbing Miyah from her hands to carry her. She's in a robe with the word bride encrusted in crystals on the back.

"Hello bride to be." Simone greets.

"I am that, aren't I?" Liv asks, chuckling.

"Indeed you are." Simone indulges her silliness.

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