Celebrating Life

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Author's Note: I'm going to keep it short and sweet but, buckle up and have fun! Leave your thoughts in the comments.


"You can't be pregnant."

"I'm not, and I'm going to take this test right now to prove it." Liv says downing her third or fourth large cup of orange juice. They're in Simone's kitchen debating.

"I hope it's a false alarm." Simone  cautiously states, worried that her best friend may actual be having a baby.

"It better be, I plan on drinking and shaking my ass at your party." She groans when she realizes what she's said.

"So you are throwing a party?!?!" Simone exclaims, poking fun to hopefully take Liv's mind off the obvious stressor.

"Damn it." Liv says to herself, letting out a deep sigh.

"You tried to keep it from me but, I know you." Simone giggles.

"I was trying to lead you astray, it's our first birthday back together. Of course I was planning." Liv admits shyly and Simone feels tears prickling in her eyes as she juts out her bottom lip.

"Awwwww, Livvie pooh..." Simone sighs out.

"Ugh, don't call me that." Liv groans as Simone shuffles over to and wraps her arms around her.

"I love you so much Livvie pooh. You're the best friend a girl could ask for." Simone says in a baby voice, she feels her relax and give in to the embrace.

"I love you too Monie." Liv sighs it, turning to where she can wrap her arms around Simone as well.

"Ew! Not the childhood nicknames!" Simone chortles, thinking about before Spencer came in the picture, they used to come up with their own dance routines when they were younger. 

Under the names Livvie and Monie they'd perform them for Jordan as their audience even though he'd hate having to sit there and be a witness.

"You started it!" Liv chuckles as they rock back and forth.

"I have to pee." Liv whispers.

"Oh God, I would hope so, you've downed dang near a gallon of orange juice." Simone chuckles out, pulling away to free her up for the bathroom.

"Okay, let me go see my fate." She says, grabbing the three pregnancy tests she has sitting on the counter.

"Alright, I'll be out here waiting." Simone says, sitting on the couch. Liv disappears to the restroom.

She's playing candy crush for a few levels when she realizes Liv still hasn't come out.

She gets up, deciding to go check on her in case she's froze up.

She knocks on the door first, waiting to get permission to enter.

"Yeah?" Liv responds, Simone can tell by the sniffle that follows that she's been crying.

"Are you okay?" She asks.

"Yeah, I'm good."

"Well I'm coming in." Simone says, opening the door.

She's greeted by the sight of Liv sitting on the toilet, eyes red around the rim, pregnancy test sitting on the counter.

"It's positive?" Simone inquires.

"Oh, no, I haven't even read it yet." Liv answers, voice cracking.

"Why are you crying babe?" Simone asks, giggling as she moves to sit on the floor cross legged.

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