143:chapter 5

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Violet's POV: 

okay... Niall is pretty cute, oh my gosh, after the waitress came back with our meals niall scarfed his huge meal down in a matter of minuets then looking around the table looked down at my half eaten plate of food and asked if i was going to finish it.

i laughed and shook my head sliding the plate in front of him.i can never hold much food down because my stomach was almost used to my dad and brother starving me...good gosh i have never seen anyone eat this much food if they wernt a profesional eater on t.v.! afterwards we all decided to see a movie so we all crowded around my phone around the resturaunt we looked to see movie times and finally after arguing in the crisp fall breeze we all decided on

'warm bodies' louis and liam called their girlfriends elenor and danielle to ask if they wanted to meet us at the theater they both agreed to come as we approached the car lot where we had parked Lacey tapped Harry's shoulder and he bent so she could whisper something into his ear

he nodded and so Lacey turned to me and asked if i was okay riding with the guys because Harry and her wanted to drive together and her back seat was an incredible mess. i agreed and turned to Niall as our group split up and i approached their car with Niall Louis Liam and Zayne. "um... where do you want to sit front seat or back seat?"

Zayne asked,awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck. "oh um, i dont really care but a window seat would be cool". i watched louis climb into the drivers seat of the car and watched Niall try to pull him back out but as Louis started to pout Niall released his jacket hood sighing

"Fine Louis, but if you get us all in an accident because you do something stupid i will get you!" Louis pretended to be offended, "me?do something stupid?? oh no you didnt girlfriend!!" he snapped his fingers all crazy. i grinned as i closed the drivers seat door,

"okay seriously you guys take forever to get into the car geez!" i said walked to the side of the car getting into the passenger seat. the guys all piled in Niall sitting right behind me Zayne in the middle and Liam behind Louis. as we drove Louis turned up the radio and they all sang along to 'Valerie' and 'sterio hearts' before i joined in silently mouthing the words to titanium because it is like my favorite song.

i was so lost in my own world that i didnt even notice that the car had arrived and parked safely in the theater car park. Niall scoots up twoards my seat his head popping up right by my head rest so his face touches my neck i whip my head and do i mini freak out mode before calming down as he says:

"ready, love?'' I just nod, laughing at my own absent mindedness. Niall loooks at me for a minuet as i step out of the car,

"wow, youre eyes are really pretty when they sparkle ... just like the rest of you." his warm breath tickles my neck ashe whispers the words, and although its a new feeling that sends tingles down my spine and makes my heart want to jump out of my chest, I could almost get used to it. Key word ALMOST everything good in my life comes to a heart breaking close.

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