Don't wish for a relationship (Asterkyo 💜💙)

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Art cc: @shio_0585 on Twitter!
(angst unrequited love.)

Aster has always admired Kyo, even if Kyo is younger than him. Aster somehow looks up to him. The way he doesn't care about anything or anyone. He says: people can say whatever they like, I don't care.

Aster, he wishes he also was like that, but his insecure self simply cannot. Not so long ago, aster realised the crush he has on Kyo. He is going nuts about it. He goes as far as reading the same books that Kyo reads too. He wants to know everything about Kyo.

Kyo is the only one who hasn't realised/doesn't know.
Everyone in their friend group knows. But not Kyo.
Is he maybe acting like he doesn't know? So he doesn't need to face it.

"Kyo!" Aster yelled running to catch up to him.
Kyo sighed.
"What now?" He asked death glaring Aster.
"I wanted to know if!-."
"No! Aster stop whatever you're doing.. don't you think I know that you practically stalk me.. it's creepy. Stop it." Kyo said. Aster furrowed his brows. Standing in the middle of the hallway confused.

Kyo rolled his eyes walking away, making sure to put on his headphones so he could block out all this noise.

"Aster!" He heard Aia behind him. Aia catches up to him eventually and looked at where he was looking, seeing Kyo in the distance walking off.

"I- aster.. it's okay, whatever he said he doesn't mean it! He loves you! I know it." Aia said, she knew that it was all a lie. Kyo had said he wanted to avoid Aster because of how much he hated him.

"I'm going to our class." Aster said walking off to his next class.

Aia sighed watching him turn around a corner. That's not the way to class, he is going to the bathroom?

As aster walked towards the bathroom he couldn't help but think why Kyo didn't like him. Is this unrequited love? Or is it just what Aia says, that he simply needs some time.

He keeps calling Aster crazy, and a stalker. Which in one hand is true but on the other hand can you really blame him. He doesn't know how to tell him straightforward even tho he makes it obvious.

"Aster?" He heard a familiar voice who he had seen just moments ago. He looked up and there Kyo stood. He had just used the bathroom.
"Kyo!" Aster said attempting to sound all happy as he usually does.
Kyo looked at him with an unamused expression pulling him away from the crowd around them and into an empty classroom.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Kyo said distancing himself a little from Aster. Personal space you know..
"Kyo. I-." Aster started.
"I know." Kyo said.
"What?" Aster asked.
"I know you like me but Aster I. I'm not really looking for a relationship at the moment I'm sorry.." Kyo said attempting to smile comforting at Aster.

"I don't like you?!" Aster said as his eyes widened, lucky for him the classroom was dark so Kyo couldn't see his blush.
"Oh. I got the wrong idea?!" Kyo said
"Of course! I see you as a good friend which is why I want to learn more about you! I like Ren!" Aster said faking a smile which wasn't visible in this room. He also lied about the ren part but.. whatever.

"Oh. I see! Well in that case let me help you with Ren!" He said grabbing Asters hand and sneaking out into the hallways.

Seeing Aster smile Kyo knew that his assumption was wrong. Or well. Was it really?

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