1: Jake's Turn

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°Jake's Pov°

"I need to make things right... I need to find proof to back my story up! Ugh! Wait what if..." Jake though with a big, grin, and that smile was no smile for good...

"All I have to do is go back to school and catch one of those rare conversations between Drew and Zoey! Hope they didn't break up... Otherwise this wouldn't work..."

~Monday, 7:30, before classes~

°Jake's pov°

Why is everyone staring at me? What did I do this time? Am I wearing my sweater back to front? I thought

"Pfft, why aren't you at home Jake?" One said

"Aren't you embarrassed? Maybe guilty?" Another shouted

"Such a big liar, I bet he only did it for the attention" a third added

Why where they all looking at me..? I need to get to class as fast as possible to avoid this... Unless  they are looking at someone else...

~9:00, break~

°Jake's pov°

Oh look! There are Zoey and Drew! I whiped out my phone as fast as possible and started recording, Hoping this was the conversation I was looking for.

"Zoey I can't believe you did that" Drew said laughing.

"Drewy bear, it was your words got got him to speak like that! It's mostly you"

They both started looking at each other with mescheivious grins... This is the conversation I'm looking for... Keep it up... I said to myself.

"How did you not die on the front yard last week, and how did he leave you?" Said Zoey

"Told him I didn't do jack, believed it" Drew replied

"That fool thinks he can blackmail me!" Zoey said

"Glad u broke up with that dude, just don't repeat it" Drew spitted out

No! Go back to the subject of the recording! Go back! Need more proof! I said to myself again.

"I still can't believe that you manipulated him into saying those words! It's incredible!" Zoey said

"He's a pathetic, weak parasite, I bet he'll come back begging to join us again." Drew said

That's all I need! That's all I needed! I stoped the recording, and I was so eager. Drew started texting me...

(Note: when I say "you in the phone conversation, I mean Jake)

°Jake's phone°

-Today 9:09-

Drew: Hey idiot.

You: What?

Drew: So when you gonna come crying back to me? Didn't you get kicked out 😹


Drew: What the hell

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Drew: What the hell

You: Bye.

-You blocked contact "Drew" unable to chat further-

°Jake's pov°

Time to go back to my family! I sent the audio to Hailey! I squealed internally. I'm so happy she didn't block me...



Alright peeps imma cut it here 😹

I love the "ur block button looks so good right now" image IMAO

Don't forgor to upvote for a update, and keep in mind I always post when I can, it's a Randie schedule, if ur lucky and I have the motivation ur reading 2 or 3 new when it's updated.

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