5: Sleepover Time!(Part 3)

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Last chapter, Jake discovered that he liked Hailey!

°Jake's pov°

"They could be here any second now! They could see us! Ok speak up!" I said to myself panicking, but also not wanting to break this moment.

"Jake I'm hungry..." Hailey said softly

"U-uh oh! Yeah I was planning to make pancakes! Wanna help?" 

"Yeah!" She got off my lap going to the kitchen on the 1st floor, I followed her.

We reached the kitchen, I got out what we need and we started baking!

"Ok put the flour in now then stir!" I said guiding her, but I noticed that she was stirring wrong so I got behind her, put my hand on her and my other on the table.

"Looks nice" I said letting go and turning on the stove 

"O-okay" said Hailey passing me the bowl. I took it and pour it on the pan.

"Hey Jake wan we make them into shapes?" She asked 

"Top left drawer there is a box with cookie cutters" I replied 

"Here" she passed the box 

"Pick a shape!"

"Heart? Or star?" Hailey asked

"Both" I took the cutters fixing them on the pan, and poured the mixture in them, we made all kinds of shapes untill the batter was out.

"Pancakes!" Said Milo, Piper and Bethany running up the stairs 

"Wait pancakes?" Said Milly following 

The four took a seat and immediately started eating, sooner or later everyone was upstairs eating.

"Yum! Who made these!" Asked Luke

"Me and Jake" said Hailey.

"Oh by the way... You fell asleep mid movie... On Jake's shoulder" Milly said mainly chewing.

"What? Oh so that's why I was in the game room, couldn't you have pick me up to the bed?" Asked Hailey 

"You where sound asleep and attached to him so we didn't want to bother, we left both of you there" Said Zander 

"Rude much" I said pouting 

"Heh, you two would make a good couple." Said Daisy 

"Them? Dating? In your dreams" said Zander 

"Yeah..." Said Hailey a  bit sad

~Later after food~

"I'm stuffed" said Milly 

"You ate 25 pancakes, you obviously would be stuffed" Zander exclaimed 

"I mean they are delicious" Said Sean looking my way 

"I love how you had the idea to make them into shapes " said Bethany 

"The shapes where Hailey's idea" I said proud 

"You made the batter" she replied 

~later 9:30~

"I'm bored can we go somewhere!?" Said Milo 

"Can we go to the park?" Said Piper holding her stuffed animal 

"Guys you in?"

"Yes!" Everyone replied.

°Hailey's pov°

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