11: A little kiss

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°Hailey's pov°

Jake suddenly popped up as if he'd woken up from a nightmare.

"Jake! Pudding!"

"Princess? What happened! Are you ok? What- Where- When..."

"Hey calm down... It's only been a few days..." I kissed him on the cheek gently.

"Oh- Where mom and Milo? A-and Piper? What about Zander and Drew? Are they ok? Milly, Sean? Luke and-"

"Slow down, they're fine" Jake sighed, then I added "Jake, you're, shaking are you ok? Did you have a nightmare?"

No reply 

"Jake? Pudding? You ok in there?"

"I'm sorry"

"For what?" I was confused as fuck 

"I- I hit Zander didn't I?"

"Yeah? So? The doc said you'd be in a 2 year coma, you recovered faster than expected"

"Oh, is everyone ok?" He asked looking worried

"Yes you're asking that for the millionth time..."

"B-because I care!" I love how his heart is bigger than his body, I feel bad for making him choose sides, poor baby must be terrified :'3

"Alright, who do you want to see first?" 

"Mom and dad and Piper and Milo"

"How did you know they're here?"

"I saw them ..- never mind "


I heard the door open, then Milo and Piper dashed I'm to hug him. Both his mom and dad looked relieved.

"Sorry ma'am family only" said a nurse 

"WE ARE FAMILY" said Milly barging in, everyone ran inside except for Drew and Zander, they where both at their homes, punished, well deserved punishment.

"I'm sorry for slapping youuuuur" said Milly, everyone was in a biiiig hug.

"A-ah ok no problem!"

~later, Hailey's bedroom~

°Hailey's pov°

"Alright do you understand it?" I asked Jake 


"Alright we're done!" I said 



Idk why I added this part 😃👍

Shinogainwa song ig...

Story continues below 👇


"Hey Hailey?" Jake asked


"Do you know Japanese?"

"No? Why?" 

"あたしの最後はあなたがいい (I want you to be my last)

あなたとこのままおサラバするより (Rather than spending time with you like this)

死ぬのがいいわ (I'd rather die)

死ぬのがいいわ...  (I'd rather die...)"

And so on, I just loved listening to his voice... Even if I didn't know what he was saying, I certainly knew it was some sort of love song... I loved every moment of his song. Then the chant ended .

"Hey why'd you stop?"

"Tch... I don't know... Maybe because the song's done?" 

I stand up from the chair and put my back against the wall sighing and I feel a little weird, the way Jake was just blankly staring at me... Was weird he turned his face put his hand on his chin then what seemed like a little think time he suddenly stood up and started heading towards me.

His hand was beside my face, and his mouth was inches from mine...



Scene from: "Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins" But edited to fit the scene in my head.

Story continues below 👇


Boom... We are kissing like crazy. Like our lives depend on it. His tongue slips inside my mouth, gentle but demanding, and it's nothing like I've ever experienced, and I suddenly understand why people describe kissing as melting because every square inch of my body dissolves into his. My fingers grip his hair, pulling him closer. My veins throb and my heart explodes. I have never wanted anyone like this before. Ever. 

He slips his hands below my shirt and pulls be back, forcing be to fall on top of him. we're lying down, making out... He later turns and now he's on top of me. The weight of his body on top of mine is extraordinary. I feel him.. all of him... pressed against me.

His face has the slightest bit of stubble and it rubs my skin but I don't care, I don't care at all. He feels wonderful. His hands are everywhere, and it doesn't matter that his mouth is already on top of mine, I want him closer closer closer...

10 minutes...

30 minutes...

1 hour...

20 minutes more until he pulls away... I wanted that kiss to last forever...




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