4: Sleepover Time! (Part 2)

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Last part, was the arrival of all the Music Club members and a bit more!

°Jake's pov°

"Alrighty then, I set all the colors and rooms!" I said

"Hey Jake... Why does this room say 'Jake & Hailey'" Zander said

"Because is only takes two names not one" Said my brother walking down the stairs and smirking.

A very thin layer of blush appeared. While Hailey entered the room and saw the teal lighting on her side of the room.

"This is so cool, I need to ask mom to get me LED lights!" She exclaimed.

"These where accualy really cheap to get! 40$!" Said my sister following my brother followed by Bethany.

"Alrighty, get into yo pj's everyone! We are going to start the games!" I said very excited.

~after dressing up~

"Game room!" Milo shouted

"Follow!" Said Piper

"Wait for us!" Everyone said, while I was giggling.

We whent up to the third floor to later meet the game room! And then from a gaming area Milo took the remote and switched it to sleep over mode.


"This is the game room fellas take a seat!" I said then each one went to their favorite color bean bag.

"Let's start with truth or dare!" Milly said quickly.

"Alrighty!" I opened my phone and put our names on the spin the wheel.

"What's that for?" Zander asked

"I've seen that app before. It randomizes the names so if I'm on the same side as Jake she or I could ask each other without having to move places" replied Daisy

"Yup" Milo said confirming.

"Spin it!" Said Hailey

"Alright" I said while clicking the button then adding "Milly to... Sean!"

"HELL YAH! Sean truth or dare?" Milly said exited

"Uhh... Dare?" Sean replied nervously 

"Ok I dare you to ask your crush out!" She said smirking

"Uhh..." He said then paused, then he added "Daisy, will you go out on a date with me?" He was blushing insanely.

"Of course!" Daisy sounded super happy and excited!

"Congratulations you got a girlfriend" said Milly with a mescheivious grin.

"H-hey!" Said Sean while everyone else was happy and gave him a big hug except me and Hailey, she put her hand on my shoulder and said 

"Sorry Jake" 

"It-its fine..." I said standing up and excusing myself to the bathroom.

I sat there, but I wasn't crying? I thought I loved Daisy? Well it's not Daisy anymore, I took my phone out and googled stuff to find out if I really like her, but google said that no, I liked someone else? Who's that someone else? Is it Hailey? I mean I took another one of those online quizzes and I was surprised, I refused to believe the internet.

"Where did Jake go?" Said Sean curiously.

"Bathroom" said Hailey

"I'm back, sorry, let's continue" I said still shocked, a few rounds passed and the wheel landed on

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