7: Wait No!

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Last chapter Jake and Hailey whent on a walk, came back home and slept together! 

~Tuesday, 8:00~

°Hailey's pov°

I woke up, we where in the same pose as yesterday, so, I decided to give him a little tickle... I put my hands on his stomach, nothing... Waist... Nothing... Forehead... Nothing! Where can that tickle spot be... Chest? Bingo!

"BHAHA HAILEY STOP THAT!" He said laughing 

"Good morning pudding." I said mockingly 

"Pudding? Since when did you give me a nickname?"

"You call me princess so I call you pudding"

"How did you know that was my favorite desert?"

"Lucky guess" I said even though I didn't even guess or know that pudding was his favorite desert.

"Let's get dressed up, it's Tuesday" he said standing up.

I took my clothes while he walked into the bathroom while I changed quickly in his bedroom before he came back. Some time later we are walking to school.

~before classes 9:58~

We enter and Jake said he needs to meet one of his teachers for extra homework since he asked for some. I said bye and suddenly I got pulled into an empty classroom.

"What the hell!?" I said intrigued.

"Hello Hailey" I recognized that voice instantly. I thought about recording but there are camera's in the classrooms.

"Drew... What do you want" I shouted.

"You didn't follow the instructions..." He replied

"So what! I don't want to kick him out again!"

"Instead of that private info, I'll be sending the video to The Music Club..." He had the worst intentions in that Cheshire Cat grin of his...

"Wait... If you send that to Zander hell fight him out the club!"

"I know that idiot." I sat there and watched as he types the message and attaches the video to the email. He turned the phone to me and I tried to stop him. It was too late, the message was seen... He later tied me up and locked me in the room. I cried my heart out worried for Jake.


°Zander's pov°

As I re-watched the video in horror, I was about to explode... My sister... That dork... DATING?

"WHERE IS HE!" I shouted across the room 

"What's up Zander?" Milly said?

I played the video and turned my phone, Milly was smiling, Sean looked happier than ever, Luke looked proud of them. 

"THE SHIP SAILED!" Said Milly shouting jumping and squealing at the same time.


"Zander I know you don't like Jake that much but give them a chance... Please?" Luke pleaded 

"NEVER" Suddenly the door opened and Jake walked in.

"Hi guys! Where's Ha-" I cut him off.


"Wh-what?" He said shaking. I approached him with my fists ready to kill him. And I started beating him up while the others tried to stop him.

"JAKE JUST ATTACK IN RETURN I DON'T MIND" Luke said looking worried 

°Jake's pov°

So I kicked him in the stomach and he went flying across the room landing in Luke's hands as I ran away noticing I was full in blood... I might die from blood loss one day... I saw a dark room... Weird all rooms are open at this time. So I entered and saw Hailey, crying.


Hailey was trying to talk but the cloth on her mouth was preventing the words from being clear so I untied her.

"Pudding" she said sobbing

"Hey it's okay I'm here."

"Your covered in blood" she said putting her hand on my cheek 

"Zander wasn't too happy about that video, heh..." Hailey looked at me as if she'd seen a ghost then immediately standing up and dragging me to the nurse office.

°Hailey's pov°

"Alright, Jake you've lost a massive amount of blood..." Said the nurse worried.

"Yeah um... I got into a fight"

"With who?" The nurse asked as he froze, he didn't want to say Zander's name.

"Zander and Drew" I said 

"I'm telling the principal, you two go to him" We both stud up and headed towards the principal.

~principal office~

"Hello... Jake Sterling, hello Hailey Austin, take a seat on the chairs please."



What a great way to end the chapter where the drama was about to Begin! Hahahahahahahaha.

Also guys I'm updating more today so stay tuned!

Also guys I'm updating more today so stay tuned!

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Cinnamon roll (⁠。⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠。⁠)⁠ノ⁠♡

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