8: What's up Zoey?

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Last chapter Hailey and Jake whent to the principal.

~Principal's office~

°No one's pov°

"Hello sir, said Hailey taking a seat, and Jake joining in.

"Alright, we have a but of a problem here, Jake Sterling, you've been seen in the hallways with scars, blood and tons of bandages. Hailey Austin, today you might have skipped morning classes. Care to explain"

"Well sir..."

Hailey whent on explaining and showing the email of course blurring out the info and the video, later bother Zander and Drew where called while Jake and Hailey where excused.

°Drew's pov°

Zander and the Principal where bickering while I was just zoning out thinking about how cocky Jake is, like watdafak, he just left me... For some musical club of shit he's known for a month, and then starts dating one of them?

~After school, Drew's house~

Time passed and I'm just so damn fed up of school, me and the group whent to my house and Zoey was acting rather... Clingy... She's never like this so... Weird.

"Zoey... Do you want something?" I say fiddling with the controller.

"No..." She said looking blank 

"Okay? You're usually so talkative and energetic, what's up?" I off the tv 

"hey drew! Why'd ya do that!" Henry started whining 

"I want to know what's up with my girlfriend" my tone changed, he stayed silent. 

"Yeah Zoey, you're not like this you're usually more annoying, and you don't usually wear baggy clothes what's up?" Said Liam mockingly

"That's rude Liam" I said, wait... Why am I concerned about Zoey? Since when? I thought she was cheating on me... She's just using me for money.

"Drew can. I speak to you alone please..." She said with a little frown.

"Ok?" I said, she picked up an old looking purse that I definitely didn't buy for her, she got an envelope Wich looked stacked with something.

We entered another room and the conversation starts.

"Zoey why..."

"Do I have that purse?  Not the designer one? Why am I acting like this? I don't know... I just feel bad ok... I'm cheating on you... And I just broke up with the other guy ok, and I sold some stuff you bought through the years of dating yeah, here's your money Drew..."

"Hah okay... Are you doing this because your grounded?" I ask

"No, the purse is my grandma's, and I want to use it... She passed away and I have some of her stuff... Grandma told me, if she does she wants me to behave my best... And j know I sound pathetic but, I genuinely feel bad." She said passing me the envelope.

I take it and find more than 100 grand in one packet.

"Not all the money fit so it's in checks..." She said 


"Sorry..." She said... I believe her... I mean yeah her grandmother just passed away... She's so nice now, her hair is not dyed pink, she's wearing casual clothes and no makeup, she's pretty like that.

"So are you going to break up with me... For cheating on you?" She said 

"No! Of course not... Just one question... Do you really love me?" She stayed quiet



I'm just trying to fix they're shitty relationship relax... They gonna kiss alr? Pfft, I just needed to add this mid story author's note lol. Kiss scene from: "Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe by Benjamin Alire Sáenz: Ari and Dante"

Story continues below 👇


°Zoey's pov°

I took him by the shoulders. I looked at him. And he looked at me.

"Listen Drew I love you but everyone hates me... My shitty attitude, and how obviously I was cheating on you..." I took a deep breath. "Kiss me"

"No," he said.

"Kiss me."

"No. And then he smiled. "You kiss me..."

I placed my hand on the back of his neck. I pulled him toward me. And kissed him. I kissed him. And I kissed him. And I kissed him. And I kissed him. And he kept kissing me back. I pulled away only to find him heading toward me, so I started backing up against the wall... He picked me up and, there it goes, I feel the kiss go deaper by the second... We stayed there for about an hour... Unoticed... A makout with someone I cheated on... With someone I thought I would leave by the end of high school...



The last part where "and he kept kissing me back" was the end of the text I copied the rest after that was me... And there goes Zrew or Doey or whatever the ship name is for Drew x Zoey Wich no one ships 💀

I thought this should be a Jake x Hailey book not Drew x Zoey Lmao.

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