
704 14 1

I think you can remember already

-------------------------------------------(A little bit of sexual but not lead to sex)

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(A little bit of sexual but not lead to sex)

"Dude you know her?" Ryusei ask with question marks all over his face while sae remain unmoved with wide eyes "y-y/n that's Y/N" he suddenly yelled making ryusei surprised. Sae ran into the hall way and looked into each room to find where is she.

The last room at the end of the hall way he heard sniffing and walked in just to see a red fox curled up crying in the corner. "Y/n?" She looked up but the hid her face again, crying "y/n I'm sorry of my harsh words, I couldn't recognize you in your human form" He sat on one knee waiting for her to come towards him.

The fox uncurled herself and went up to him sitting on him lap while he hugs her. "I'm sorry darling I should've said those harsh words at you" the fox turn back into a human form but still with tail and ears. "It's ok sae, I forgive you" ryusei walked in to witness y/n on sae lap while hugging each other.

"HEY SHE'S MINE SAE BACK OF" Ryusei went up to sae push him away and carried you like a bride "Wtf ryusei! I knew her 1st give her back!" "NAH AH I FOUND HER AND SHE'S MINE! FINDERS KEEPERS BITCH" He yelled, he looked at her grab her by the back of the neck "oh don't you dare" he smirks and smashes his lips onto hers. Wide eyes also trying to push him off of her.

And sae came to her rescue as she thought. Once she's in saes grasp he then also smash his lips onto her. Sae pinch her hips making her mouth open just to slip his tongue inside her mouth making her moan. Ryusei then snatch her just to bit her neck making her body shudder while his other hand rub her hips making her moan.

"AHA what a slut, I didn't touch you anywhere except your hips, oooh you're sensitive there?" He kept doing that until she turned into a fox to curled up into a ball panting of all the stuff being going on. Ryusei and sae looked at her and look back at each other with awkward looks.


The next day y/n found herself in the most comfiest bed. She yawn while stretching herself and looked around until she saw a mirror. She looked at it to be met with a bruise on her neck and a sore lips. Remember the yesterday events make her blush pretty hard that she rolled back into her bed.

Sae looks so pretty when his older now..... Even that ryusei guy too.. he was strong as hell

She daydream without hearing someone entering. He sat behind her quietly and hold onto her waist making her startled, looking behind her to be met with ryusei pink hues. "Good morning little one! How was your sleep? Oh sorry about your neck" without saying anything she looked away flustered "perv..." She mumbled "huh what was that?"

She shook with shaking her head "n-NANDE MO NAI NO" She spoke loudly making ryusei laugh "you know, I don't like how you only spoke sae s name but not mine" he said with a dark stare. She looks at him and think 'this gonna be my chance on teasing him' she thought it was a good idea but oh no it isn't "then you have to be inside me if you want me to spoke your name or even scream it~" y/n said with teasing eyes.

Ryusei was quiet and it's making y/n worried if she said something wrong. "Uh ry-" she was cut off when she was pushed on the futon and ryusei hovers above her. "Man I didn't know you could flirt little one, now let's make that dream come true shall we? At the moment y/n knows she wont be alive by tomorrow.



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Ooops next chapter is spicy 😏😏😏

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