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Hello I just woke up from a power nap.......


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I woke up to a sunlight that hit my face. Gosh I hate the sun ruining my beauty sleep. Before I get up my body feels a bit too hot. I look around to see sae behind me, if sae is there then shidou might be in front of me but his not. A groan make me look down to see shidou being a small spoon with his face in my boobs 'tch pervert much'

Getting up was a real challenge. Thank god these two are heavy sleepers, I walked out of the room quietly (well walking is a bit of a challenge)while fixing my sleepwear "Oh miss y/n you woke up! Do you need help? "Ah ye-" cut off I fell to the ground "MISS Y/N!!!!!" the maid rush to my side helping me get up "no need to worry, it just my legs uhhh cramp! Ya cramps"

The maid nodded and bring me to the dining room to serve me breakfast, after that she prepared me bath and clothes

(Your outfit)

(This is susohiki kimono

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(This is susohiki kimono. If you don't know japan has 13 types of kimonos)

I sat by the garden with a book in hand, the book is very interesting, it's about 4 group of friends turns into one [damn raiden reference (⁠・⁠∀⁠・⁠)]. Next I don't remember anything because I fell asleep....... Again.


I was sleeping just peacefully until I was smacked in the face by someone's hand. I jolted awake to see shidou standing in front of me "WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU" I yell "SHE'S GONE!!!!" WHAT!!!! she couldn't possibly did left. We both got out of the room " ah lord's please have a seat for lunch. I'll get miss y/n" the maid spoke. I looked at him with twitching eye.

"I thought she disappeared...." "Well obviously she didn't, don't just say something without knowing idiot" I walk to the dining table to see y/n sleeping on the table. I shook my head with a chuckle "y/n wake up, the food is serve" she woke up blinking her eyes many time to get adjust to the lighting while yawning.

After the lunch, my guard reported something that I need to go back home to check on something. Meaning I have to leave y/n behind. I bid my goodbye to both of them and went on my way home.


I sat on the tatami floor with my head on shidou's lap petting me, I love when people pet me, it makes calm at ease "little one" he called making me look up "would you like to walk around town with me?" My ears went up "I'll take the ears as a yes, cmon let's get ready" I got up and went to my room to get change

I'll bring a parasol as well since I hate the sunlight anyways, as I was done I heard a knock on the door and I went to open it to see shidou standing there "I see you're done, stunning as always but I want you to close your eyes" I did what he sa...

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I'll bring a parasol as well since I hate the sunlight anyways, as I was done I heard a knock on the door and I went to open it to see shidou standing there "I see you're done, stunning as always but I want you to close your eyes" I did what he said, I heard a bell noise until I felt something around my neck "open up little one" as I open my eyes I immediately look at my neck.

I saw a bell? No, not just a bell but a collar!!!! I look at him with a confusion face until I saw him holding a leash "this shows everyone that you're belong to the lord Sae and lord Ryusei" I look at him with wide eyes.

------------[At the town]----------∆

We walk around the town but people keep staring at us well what do you expect? Walking around with the town most famous lord with collar that is attached to a leash is hold by the lord itself. I let my ears fall and hug Ryusei arm tightly because I feel very uncomfortable with these stares.

"Who is that lady?"

"She has an ear and a tail, what a weirdo"

"She's so pretty, if I had her in my hand, I've would've marry her by now"

"She must cost a lot for the lord to have her"

"Tch, she's must be a slut cause look at that, she has a collar with a leash attached on it"

I feel I wanted to cry that I didn't realize I stop walking. I can't with these negative talk.

It seems Ryusei also realized that I stop walking and the hand holding onto is getting tighter.


I look down on her to see her ears are down and so as her face. I see, I can tell that she heard some bad stuff what the villagers are saying about her. With that I let her hand off of me to crouch down and carry her like a bride. She was surprised that she hid her face in my chest.

"Listen here you people, if I ever hear you say anything bad to my beloved fox. I won't hesitate to cut your tongue off" I gave everyone a warning making them bow their heads "let's go home, you're not feeling good so let's take a bath together" with that I turn around with my guards to go back home with y/n in my arms

 I won't hesitate to cut your tongue off" I gave everyone a warning making them bow their heads "let's go home, you're not feeling good so let's take a bath together" with that I turn around with my guards to go back home with y/n in my arms

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Bye bye see u in the next update

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