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This is the 2nd last chapter so


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I woke up with a sore body. Ugh these dudes were wild yesterday, I think my tail might fall off with how Ryusei was abusing it. I looked around the room to look it neat and clean, trying to stand on to foot to change and went out the room but something caught your eyes..... The bin it's.

How many rounds did we went that the bin is almost flooded with condoms full of cums. Anyways I walked out holding the wall for my support "you must be her" my ears shot up to look to my right to see an old women.

"Uhh may I help you?" I asks "I'm guessing this is the reason why he didn't let us see you" my face turn red "i uhm-" the lady make a stop sign using her hand "we're not talking about that, we're talking about your features. A fox" she said as she took a sip of her tea.

"Don't be scared, come sit. We want a chit chat with you" I sat down and the maid serve me queen tea (ah my favorite arissto tea, I'm not promoting) "what do you like to talk about?"
I ask.

"Well this also includes on yesterday events but, Ryusei and Sae have been best friends since they were younger. The day Sae became the leader of his clan is the day his father finally be with his wife. How much I dearly love this boy even though he's a clan lead, I decided to took care of him as like my son. You could say they're like brothers who always share... Like how they're sharing you"

My mouth was open but no words comes out "MOTHER!!/MOM!!" Both Sae and Ryusei yelled "oh be quiet and sit down. Good timing that you 2 decided to wake up!" They both sat besides you as you're in the middle "Sae, how do you feel if you and Ryusei clan become one" she ask Sae "I don't really mind since he is like a dear brother and a friend" she nodded to his answer and look at Ryusei.

"Same, I don't quite mind" Ryusei agreed with Sae "well, since you two love to share and I understand that, but I would love some grandchildren..." She said "mom you don't mean" Ryusei said with a shock face.

"The way you 2 always share and how you do with this girl also..... I want her to carry both of your childrens" my jaw drop almost fainting but thank goodness Sae hold onto me "Wh-what!! But we have to get married if to have a child!!" "And this is why I bring this topic up! I want you both to marry her and I want her to have you 2 children's"

Am I hearing this right? Yes I do love them both but imagining carrying a baby was another story "you can get married with not having kids, I understand you might don't want but to think you could make the clan much more bigger with combining 2 clan into 1" she replied "ma'am, I understand how important having a child/heir when it comes to clans, but, do you think I would even be a fit mother for their childrens?"

" SO YOU AGR-" Sae smacked the back of Ryusei head "shut up, mom is speaking" he said "i think you would be suitable to be the wife of both most powerful clan" she says. I look at both Sae and Ryusei "it's up to you honey, we can't force you into marrying us" Sae nodded in agreement "yes, even though we might done it sometimes but we can't seriously ush you to marry"

I sincerely do love them both and want to be beside them forever even though we only for a couple of weeks. I wanna stay by their side no matter what!

"I agree to this marriage and I will carry both of their children" the mother looks happy and nodded "alright then, shall we plan for the weeding?" Now? But I just nodded and went to follow her outside to discuss.

"Could you believe it?" "No.... I didn't know she would agree but... I'm happy"

"I really want to see her carrying my child 1st then yours"

"Tf? No, she'll carry mine 1st"

"Wait heteropaternal superfecundation does exist"

"Ya but the chances are low"


The 3 of us are finally married and we decided to go to a honeymoon to Italy.

The time we arrive there was already midnight. We're not asleep yet as Ryusei asks us to play cards...

But a twist.

Whoever looses, has fo strip. Me loosing so many time that I only have my panties on "aw baby look, you lost again" "it seems like we should stop here and start the a new project"

"What project?" "Don't know? Maybe.... Baby making?" "Don't worry we even brought the toys"



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