1 - Homicide Detectives

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Warnings: Mentions of murder

Summary: A drink at Molly's goes sideways.

A/N: This is one of my first proper series. I'm proper excited about it and plot wised, I'm really happy with it. A/N: This series is set around season 5 of Chicago PD. Happy readings! 

Mother's name: Bianca Green

Father's name: Jonathan Green


"You gotta admit it was funny though."

"Shooting him in his butt? No, it's not funny." You scoffed, shaking your head in guilt. "He's gonna be in proper pain."

"In statesville." Jay pointed out, taking a sip of his beer with a smile. Today's case ended with you running around like a headless chicken, chasing after the main suspect. Shots were fired on both sides and yours stuck.

"In statesville." You reciprocated his smile, leaning forward to give him a quick kiss on the lips. "We did good."

Jay laughed, shaking his head before giving you another kiss which you gladly sunk into. "Good was all you." He smugly motioned his finger around you, leaning back to look at you, memorising every little detail, engraving it to his memory.

"Okay, ya'll gotta stop this." Kevin situated himself besides you, Adam nodding eagerly in his seat next to Jay while Kim stood in between the two with a very content smile.

"Come on." You pouted at the two men. "I have to show my man some lovin in someplace. I can't do it at work so let me be a free woman."

"Hmmm, let me think." Kevin pretended to contemplate, stroking his beard alike to wise wizard, looking at Adam who was also pretending to put some thought in. "No."

The five of you divulged into laughter, clinking bottles in celebration of the successful day, ordering another round since the night was still young.

And that was how the night continued, sharing the company of friends, sharing stories that only first responders had the chance of experiencing. Molly's was filled with doctors, police and firemen alike, it was the perfect place to unwind and an even better place to get childhood stories from your boyfriends brother.

"Is that so?" You asked, laughing into the rim of the beer bottle which you had taken from Jay not too long ago.

"That is so." Will nodded, laughing with you which he didn't cover up when Jay approached, his arm wrapping around your shoulders, stealing back the bottle that was his, drinking it like you weren't even there.

"Very nice." You nodded, impressed with the story you were just told, looking Jay up and down, trying to imagine him doing what Will said he did. "I can see it."

"What did you tell her this time?" Jay looked at Will expectantly, squinting his eyes in suspicion.

"Trust me man." Will lied for you, holding his hands up to show his innocence. "Nothing blackmail worthy."

You bit back a smile, sinking into the wooden chair, stealing Jay's bottle for one sip before giving it straight back, ignoring the look of betrayal on his face.

Just as you were going to say something, Molly's door burst open. Men I'm black with bold white lettering printed on the jackets came storming in, surveying the crowd, pushing through the oblivious people.

Planting themselves at your table, you stood from your seat, raising a brow, turning to question them. "What can I do for you gentlemen?"

"Y/N Y/L/N, you're under arrest for the murder of Bianca and Jonathan Green."

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