2 - October 5th

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Warnings: Mentions of murder

Summary: It doesn't look good for you.

A/N: Here's nearly an entire chapter of just Y/N and Jay, hope you like it!


"Move out of my way." Jay glared at the officer, pushing him to the side when he wasn't budging. Intelligence had just gotten access to the video footage that showed you murdering your biological parents when Trudy ran up, letting everyone know you were being booked not only for their murder but also the murders of the first few foster couples you lived with.

You were looking at life in prison and depending on your trial, you'd never see the light of day again. That's what the homicide detective said anyways.

Walking as fast as he could, looking inside each cell, Jay reached the final cell where he found you pacing, biting your nails in frustration. You looked like a mess but it was expected.

"I didn't do it." You frantically shook your head, looking up when you heard his footsteps. You walked to the metal bars separating you from him, rambling.

"October 5th, Will lost those twin girls and we went over for dinner- we made your mom's lasagne and we accidentally burnt it but before you could order pizza I left." You started, remembering exactly what happened. "I went home, you know that- I was in pain and having baths always help with the cramps, you know that."

"I know, I know." Jay nodded, he was always on your side and he knew you didn't do the murders.

"And, and October 15th." You pointed at him. "We had a bunch of drinks at Molly's because we always do but I left again because my CI called me because she needed my help and you remember I called you crying because she was shot?"

Your eyes were misty with tears, you were practically hyperventilating but you had to get it all out. You had been over it again and again in your head, keeping each date engraved in your memory.

"Then October 22nd, I had the flu and didn't even come to work because you threatened to handcuff me to out bed and October 29th, I was with my therapist, she can vouch that I was with her." You nodded, reassuring yourself that you weren't a killer.

You inhaled shakily, licking your drying lips. "November 1st, 2nd and 3rd, what did we do Jay?" You ignored how your voice wobbled and continuously cracked. "We were undercover and we spent all three nights in either the uc apartment or at the club."

Blinking away the tears, you tried to breathe out but struggled to, grabbing onto the metal bars for some sort of support. Jay immediately held onto your hands, looking at you and not breaking contact.

"Listen to me." He searched your eyes, not allowing you to interrupt him. "We're going to do anything it takes okay? I'm gonna get you out of here."

"Don't make promises you can't keep." You shook your head, closing your eyes. A rogue tear slipped but it didn't travel far, Jay wiping it before you could even register that you were crying.

"They showed me all the videos Jay." You whispered, forcing yourself to look straight into his eyes that you were absolutely smitten for. "It's me in my clothes doing the same thing every night- and there's motive!"

You bitterly laughed, stepping back from the bars, aggressively wiping your tears away. "Every couple that is dead used to be my parents or guardian, all who hated, used and somewhat abused me. That's perfect motive!"

"Y/N, baby." Jay called for you, almost begging for you to look at him which you did. "Your innocent okay? Say it, say it for me."

Your thoughts swam in uncertainty. You looked Jay in the eye and hesitated before breaking under his stare. "I'm innocent." You eventually nodded, biting the inside of your lip.

"Listen, I love you." Jay smiled at you which you tried to reciprocate but all you could do was whisper. "I love you too."

But Jay heard you and that was all the more motivation he needed, running back upstairs where they were hopefully making some sort of progress.


"She's being processed." Jay walked back into the bullpen where everyone was trying to find evidence from October the 5th. "Homicide's calling her a serial killer." He scoffed, shaking his head in disbelief.

"I got it!" Adam looked up, a slight smile due to his success. Everyone gathered around his desk, peering at his screen which was completely dark, fast forwarding it till you showed up.

It was clearly you, wearing the same clothes you wore for dinner that evening, dragging Bianca's body and then Jonathon's. You were covered in blood and dirt, painting your face and drenching your clothes.

Even without a confession, this was more than enough to convince a grand jury that you were guilty. Not even your lawyer could save you this time.

Taking note of the time stamp, Jay scrambled for his phone, scrolling through your text messages knowing you sent him a few that night. Unfortunately, you texted him five minutes after your seen exiting the warehouse, telling him you weren't going to wait for him to get home and was going to sleep.

Before anyone could propose an idea of what their next course of action would be, the commissioner walked up the stairs, Trudy leading the way but she was less than pleased.

Without another word, Hank followed the commissioner, eyeing the team before closing his office door shut. Through the blinds and the closed door, the team couldn't see nor could they hear anything but when the commissioner left, Hank leaving his office with a completely stoic face, they knew it was nothing good.

Looking at his detectives and officers, Hank clenched and unclenched his jaw, shaking his head. "Till Y/N's trial, intelligence is benched."

Everyone looked at him shocked, all ready to say something but Hank stopped them. "IAD is going to investigate all of us, making sure we had no involvement so until they finish..." He trailed off, shrugging in defeat.

No one was involved, everyone was sure you weren't the murderer but knowing the ways of Intelligence, anything was possible and IAD wasn't going to take their chances this time.

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