8 - Abigail Y/L/N

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Warnings: Mentions of robbery, breaking in, guns, potential shooting

Summary: The team is on the hunt to find your twin sister, Abigail Y/L/N.

A/N: Honestly, we didn't get enough Halstead brother moments in any of the shows and it really upsets me, especially since we're not going to get anymore with JLS' exit. They had so many opportunities and they missed them all. It's kinda really sad.

Anyways, this is kinda long so I hope you enjoy because we're nearly done!!


No one managed to get anything out of Blake so after little to no deliberation, he was sent down to the cage where he would remain till he either spilled Abigail's whereabouts or the team found her on their own accord.

Everyone was pulling their weight, doing the most to find Abigail and finally put an end to all of this but so far, they'd all come out empty handed with nothing but dead ends.

Sighing, Jay gritted his teeth, glaring at his computer screen which showed nothing helpful. They were wasting so much time and he was starting to get restless with this endless searching.

Getting up from his chair, Jay grabbed his jacket and excused himself, saying something along the lines of he was going home to have a shower and get a change of clothes since he'd used up everything inside his locker.

With no objections, Jay up and left the precinct, getting into his car and driving to your shared apartment which was empty. It'd been empty for the seven months you'd been in jail but even after more than half a year, he wasn't used to going home alone.

He didn't have a lot of partners and he had military experience but going home to an empty apartment and a cold bed, no one by his side when he woke up, Jay couldn't become accustomed to that again.

Using the time he was going to be driving, Jay tried giving Will a call, not too sure if he was even available to answer since he was still at work.

Fortunately for Jay, Will did answer, the first thing he said when he answered the call being 'Your lucky I just started my break' before he apologised to Jay because he was going to eat his lunch and wouldn't actively be participating in their conversation which was about to take place.

Not bothered by protocol and legality, Jay told Will everything they knew, starting from the very beginning that you were a twin to Blake being in their custody where he would stay until further notice.

Talking to his older brother was a good distraction for Jay, even if they were talking about the exact thing that he needed a distraction from.

By the time Jay got everything out, spilling all the tea to Will, he was parked and waiting for the elevator to stop at the correct floor. Saying a quick goodbye, promising to call back when he got something good, Jay hung up and made his way to your apartment.

Fishing for his keys in his pocket, Jay's body came to an abrupt stop, his eyes freezing on the open door, a small crack revealing the shoe rack which lay right behind the front door.

Wasting no time, Jay pulled out his gun and cautiously entered the apartment, eyes surveying every inch of every room till he knew it was clear. His shoes made no sound at all and even with the best hearing, you couldn't hear him breathe.

Nothing looked out of place. Everything was where Jay left it and that's what irked him, the fact that nothing was taken but it wasn't till Jay got to the final room he needed to clear, your bedroom, to find out what was taken.

The gun you had in case anything happen to your work one was gone from the safe, your purse and your keys to basically everything you needed a key for in your life, was gone too.

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