Epilogue - Home

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Warnings: None.

Summary: Everything is back to normal.

A/N: So this is the final part!! I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I have had fun to write this from the plot and all the mysteries. This has been my first series but I've very much enjoyed it.

So sorry for the two week wait but life has been kicking my arse and my mental health has been a roller coaster but my new meds have been doing something. Also, this is so short but, oh well.

Anyways, enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hand in hand, you and Jay walked up the stairs into the precinct where you hadn't been in what felt like years. Long grueling years even though you'd been gone for eight months.

After your release, you told Jay everything that happened between the confined walls of the prison, leaving out a few details because as soon as he knew, his knuckles were going to hit peoples faces.

Instead of going home even though you were desperately itching to, you insisted on going to Med or just a hospital where you could get better treatment than the lousy plasters and cheap bandages you were offered.

Walking into the ED felt weird but the minute you saw your favourite redhead and his hilarious reaction to seeing you, all you pain was gone. With the correct treatment and an actual qualified doctor, you were forced on medical leave for a month.

And here you were a month later, walking with a bounce in you step and the most perfect ring comfortably sitting on your finger on your left hand.

You could've cried at the sight of your favourite desk sergeant. She visited you several times once you got home but seeing her in uniform while at work just hit different.

"Sup Sarge." You nonchalantly nodded at the woman, trying to keep a completely straight face but when she whipped around, her back no longer facing you, you failed as your smile made itself known.

"Oh Y/N." She looked at you in relief, looking your body up and down, trying to see if you were in any pain before enveloping into her mothering embrace. If anyone saw this, they were lying.

Loving the hug but feeling all the peering eyes, you reluctantly pulled away and smiled at the older woman who was kinda like a surrogate mother for everyone in intelligence.

"Now get your ass upstairs and do some work detective." She frowned, playfully smacking your shoulder as Jay pulled you away, smiling at the encounter you shared.

Being the gentleman he was, Jay let you do the honours, letting you scan your hand and punch in the code which you did so with a smug smile. It was the little things that made it all more real.

Maybe you should've been patient and waited for your fiance but your were already bouncing in excitement, not being able to sit still for a millisecond if your life depended on it. You were bursting to the seems, more than eager to get straight back into work.

It could've been because of how late it was or it could've been how fast your footsteps were but whatever it was that alerted them, by the time you turned the corner, the bullpen fully coming into your view, everyone was already looking in your direction.

Everyone was out their seats, smiles spreading across their faces as they made their way towards you. All of them were welcoming you back, each taking turns to hug you.

They all took turns to come visit you while you were on medical leave. They cooked food, kept you company when Jay was too busy with work and overall, they were just too nice for their own good.

Standing in a half formed circle, your smile permanently stuck on your face, you jokingly shoved Adam away when he obnoxiously gasped at the glimmering rock on your finger, accusing Jay of a crime since he kept it a secret from them.

Back in the comfort of your fiance's arms, back doing the job that was rightfully yours and back with the people you love, you knew that everything would be more than okay because even if things didn't exactly go to plan, it was these people that would stick by you always.

To be free of suck malicious convictions felt exhilarating. Knowing that a criminal was behind bars where they belonged despite her blood relation to you, you were content to know she wasn't going to cause anymore harm.

Either way, you were always innocent and no serial killer could change that. 

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