6 - Belongs to Intelligence

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Warnings: Mentions of stalking, foster care, abandonment & child abuse

Summary: Itelligence is running point now, just like they should've from the beginning.

A/N: Posting this today because my grades be looking a bit too good and it's given me tons of serotonin.


Walking into the abandoned house, Jay and Hailey ran up the stairs, turning every room inside out while Antonio and Kim did the same to the first floor, Adam and Kevin in the garden and shed, everyone looking for a shred of evidence that you had a twin.

Your parents still lived in the same house that they had you in, never moving out due to reasons no one would know.

Deep into the depths of the attic, Jay stumbled across a broken box with the word 'baby stuff' scribbled on the lid.

"I got something!" Jay shouted for Hailey who was also in the attic.

Blowing away the dust, Jay rifled through the objects which consisted of newborn bodysuits, sonograms, unopened binkies and much more.

"Here we go." Hailey said with a small smile, happy they finally found something useful. She picked up not only a sonogram but a polaroid picture of newborn babies.

"She's a twin." Hailey nodded, one hundred percent sure that it was true.

"That wasn't abandoned." Jay added, picking up a thick pile of documents, all with only your name mentioned. Only you were put into foster care, only you were the one who struggled her entire childhood but the question was why.

"Pack it up and we'll take it." Hailey said, shoving everything back into the box which was now evidence. This was their first step into the right direction and following the camera footage from earlier today, they'd, fingers crossed, find your twin sister.


Putting out a BOLO on the car your twin used this morning, the team split up; Jay and Hailey going to the address she lived at, Kim and Antonio going to the office she worked at, Adam and Kevin visiting the shop she was at this morning while Hank and Al were on their way back from statesville.

"Yeah, she works here." A woman called Janice nodded at the picture Kim was showing her of your twin. "Her names Abigail Y/L/N. She changed her name a few years back but that's her name now."

"What was it before?" Kim asked, flipping open her notepad so that they could try get some more history from your twin.

"Uh..." The woman thought before typing something on her computer. "Her name used to be Y/N Green but she changed it five, six ish years ago."

Kim and Antonio looked at each other, communicating with their eyes. This was just getting weirder and harder to understand by the minute.

"October 5th, do you know where she was?" Antonio asked, flipping through the files that had any information about Abigail that Janice had access to as her boss.

"The night of her promotion?" Janice smiled, huffing at the memory. "Abigail didn't even turn up that night or the next morning. Her boyfriend called in for her saying she was sick in the hospital."

"Do you know which hospital?" Kim looked up from her notepad, silently hoping it was a hospital nearby so they wouldn't have to drive too far.

"Chicago Med."

Yup, this was definitely getting weirder.

"You know what I really don't understand though." Kim broke the silence as they walked out of the office building and towards Antonio's car.

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