5 - That's not you

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Warnings: None

Summary: Rumor has it, someone's escaped prison.

A/N: Not too sure how I feel about this but it's kinda important for the plot sooooo.


It had been a slow day for intelligence. Nothing important had come up so it'd been called a paperwork day, everyone sitting around and filling in papers that had been piling up.

It had also been seven months since you were found guilty of the murder of your parents. They had been trying everything they could to prove you were innocent but nothing helped.

The last time Jay saw you was last week. He saw you through a glass panel and spoke to you in a phone. You looked so different. Skinner, tired and even a little beat up. He was going mental without you and with any spare time he had, he tried his best to find something, anything that could help you but his attempts were useless.

Interrupting the sounds of keyboards and pens scribblings against paper, a man no one recognised stomped up the stairs dressed in smart, official attire that only police wore on special occasions, storming straight into Voight's office, slamming the door shut.

It was hard to see what was happening through the blinds. All they could hear was muffled shouting from the unknown man while Voight sat there unbothered, replying nonchalantly.

The man left, fuming at the useless conversation which he got no answers from, he easily could've talked over the phone. Once the metal gate was slammed, the sound irritating to some, everyone turned to ask questions.

Voight stood in the doorway of his office, his hands in his pockets while he surveyed the bullpen, clenching and unclenching his jaw.

"Apparently, Y/N's escaped." He went straight to it.

That sent everyone into shock. First, you were wrongly convicted despite the overwhelming evidence pinning you as the murderer but you also escaped. That in itself would allow you to have further time behind bars.

"Where?" Jay swallowed harshly, already on his computer looking for footage that you really did escape.

With Hank giving the road name that he was told by the unknown man, everyone gathered around Jay's desk, all watching in anticipation for someone that was you to be idly walking the streets of Chicago.

And that's just what they found. You, in the clothes that Jay swore was not your style or anything you had in your closet at home. 'You' walked out with shopping bags, driving away in a car that they couldn't recognise.

Jay being his agitated self, paused the footage, zooming in and got a facial rec of both you and the car. He could hear his own heart beating, thundering in his ear while he waited, his knee bouncing due to the nerves.

Two faces popped up, further adding to their confusion. One face was definitely you, the address was the one you shared with Jay, your number and details all ones that Jay had memorised but what confused them the most was that the second face was identical.

The face was your exact carbon copy but her name, address, licence plate even her job occupation was different.

Jay's head snapped up to Voight's, but he was just as shocked as him, everyone was.

"A twin?" Adam said aloud, not believing what he was reading on the screen. "Y/N has an identical twin sister."


You were very rudely woken up by several prison guards at your door, ripping it open, making as much noise as possible with no care if they disturbed you.

Before you could even register what was happening, you were hauled up, a man holding an arm each while you were pushed out and down the corridors. You didn't even bother in protesting, allowing your legs to blindly follow the men.

Eventually, you were forced down in a metal chair, sitting across glass with a phone on the side. You'd been here several times over the past seven months but why were you here now? Let alone while you were sleeping. It was probably still early in the morning but it wasn't like there were clocks hanging around that allowed you to tell the time.

Without any thought, you put your head in your hand, elbow resting on the hard surface, eyes closing so you could get just a few more seconds of sleep.

Unfortunately for you, sleep wasn't coming around any time soon because as soon as you felt semi-comfortable, you were woken up by the sound of tapping on the glass that was separating you from the outside world.

Wiping away the sleep from your eyes, you groggily sat up, forcing your eyes open to be met with Hank sitting opposite you.

Despite your disorientated state, you looked at him in bewilderment, you hadn't seen your boss in around a month. So why was he here all of a sudden?

"Sarge?" You looked at him questioningly, still rubbing your eyes, maybe this was just a dream or you were hallucinating.

"You good?" He asked, inspecting whatever he could see of you, taking note of the scabs and healing bruises on your face and arms.

"I'm alive." You smiled bitterly before asking. "Why're you here?"

"I was told you escaped." Hank said, watching you closely for something, you don't know. "But clearly you haven't."

You rose a brow, huffing with a smile. "I barely even leave my cell."

Despite how funny you found the accusation, taking in your bosses expression, none of this was funny and was very much serious. "What's wrong?"

"Do you have a twin?" Hank ripped off the bandaid, leaning forward to ask his question.

You scoffed, shaking your head. "I'm Jon's and Bianca's only child. The siblings I've had are all foster but I couldn't tell you any of their names."

Everyone knew of your upbringing. You stopped counting the amount of families that took you in and the couple that adopted you, you hadn't spoken to them since you broke contact with them once you made it into the academy.

But Hank didn't falter, so you knew that his question wasn't just a question, it was a fact.

"I have a twin?" You questioned, scratching your head in confusion.

"Her names Abigail Y/L/N." Hank said, sneakily showing you a picture of the frozen footage from this morning. "She was the reason why they thought you escaped."

Even with all your attention on the coloured picture, you couldn't help but look at up Hank, your confusion only increasing. "That's weird."

Hank rose a brow, motioning you to elaborate. "My last name is my adopted parents last name. No way would she have the same, hers should be Green."

Before Hank could comment, a man stepped forward, letting you know your time was up and you had to go back. The black phone was forced out your hand and slammed into its place on the cubicle wall.

You didn't even get a chance to say goodbye before you were dragged away with force that you were acquainted to but didn't appreciate, Hank glaring at the guard for using unnecessary force.

They were going to get to the bottom of this. The sooner you were out of this hell hole, the better.

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