7 - Doctor Blake Simmons

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Warnings: Mentions of death, stalking, murder

Summary: One down, one more to go.

A/N: I'm not too sure how I feel about this one but we have one suspect down! Isn't this just the funnest??


While driving to Med, Kevin got a call from the insurance company and was given details on the warehouse. So the team split in two, half going to Med and the other half going to the warehouse.

Hank, Al, Jay and Hailey wasted no time, parking their cars and very nicely storming into the ED. Because of the call Jay had with Will less than ten minutes ago, said doctor was already waiting for them at the nurses station.

Hearing their footsteps, Will looked at his brother nervously, not too sure what was about to go down once he let him know of the situation. "So, Simmons is in surgery."

Before any of them could say something, expressing their anger, Will held out his hand to stop them. "We're waiting for Crockett to finish with his patient and he'll take over, which should be very soon."

Just like Will said, Crockett left his patient in the hands of a nurse, leaving the treatment room where he caught sight of the detectives standing in the ED. Quickly nodding at them and Will, he sped off towards the elevators.

Ten very grueling minutes later, a very confused Doctor Simmons still dressed in his surgery scrubs, was being escorted down the halls and towards them by security.

Not bothered by the audience that consisted of the staff and patients of the ED, Jay gladly took Blake from security and wasted no time in putting cuffs on him, ignoring his pleas for help and confusion because he had no idea what was happening.

"Why are you arresting me?" Blake spoke over Hailey who was nonchalantly reciting the miranda warning, looking over his shoulder at Jay who was putting him in the metal bracelets.

"Because I said so." Jay remained stoic, hauling him out the ED. He resisted the urge to punch the dude in his perfectly straight teeth because of the peering eyes but he also didn't want to lose his job over someone so pathetic.

But if it meant getting you back, Jay would gladly lose his job any day.


Kevin, Adam, Kim and Antonio were informed of the arrest while they entered the warehouse which they were told was abandoned. The insurance told Kevin that the factory was once a school that was bought by a lovely couple called Lydia and Jackson Simmons. It was kept in their names but when they died, as part of their will, it was given to their oldest son who just so happened to be Blake Simmons.

But, Blake gave it up at the beginning of the year and his brothers didn't even bother taking it after him. Something about it being none of their business and a waste of a lot of things.

The second they stepped foot into the warehouse, they were met with a stench so bad they had to block their noses, wincing and instantly recoiling.

Splitting up, searching the building, it didn't take long before one of them bumped into something suspicious. Kim held her flashlight in one hand and her gun in the other, as a precaution, and as soon as she turned the corner, she was met with the largest room in the warehouse.

Walls had been broken down, streaks of light came in from bits of broken windows but that wasn't what Kim was looking at. Instead, Kim was staring at the ground in astonishment.

"Guys, I've got something!" Kim shouted, turning her head a little but her eyes were firmly kept on the scene in front of her.

"5021 Eddie, roll the crime lab to my location."

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