3 - In Court

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Warnings: Mentions of murder

Summary: All the odds are against you in court.

A/N: I have no idea how court or prison works. Also, the British and American systems are different so ignore all the inaccuracies. Enjoy!!


You had been in holding for a day or two and it was already hell. The minute you stepped foot into the building, your felt all the glares and the sneers, most inmates smelling the cop on you.

Your trial started tomorrow and you were prepared for the worst. No matter how good your lawyer was or how many strings were being pulled by Hank or anyone from the unit, you had a gut feeling you were going to be sentenced to life with no bail.

Dark orange may a nice colour but this bright, almost neon orange definitely did not look good on you. You sat on the metal chair, drumming your fingers on the metal table waiting for your visitor. Visiting hours just started and people from the outside world started pouring in.

It was hard holding yourself back, wanting to jump and run to him the moment Jay stepped into the room but guards were situated at each corner of the room, closely watching everyone in orange jumpsuits.

It was hard to differentiate you since everyone looked the same but the moment his eyes swept over you, he felt his heart drop in his throat.

How was it possible you looked so different after just a few days of being apart? Your hair wasn't tied in your favourite scrunchie, reaching the middle of your back where it almost looked greasy since you were denied a shower, being told you'd have one tomorrow morning.

The second he was a few steps away from you, you stood up and wrapped your arms around him, clinging like he was your life line. Sighing in relief, you nuzzled yourself in the crook of his neck, relishing in the comforting scent Jay carried wherever he went.

You honestly felt like crying but you wouldn't cry, you wanted to put the short amount of time you had with him to good use.

"Hi." You whispered, kissing his cheek, moving back a little so he could sit down besides you.

"Hey." He whispered back, pecking you on the lips, taking notice of how tired you look and how your eyes started to glisten in the natural light that shone through the small windows that weren't even opened.

"How is everyone?" You asked, interlocking your fingers with his, wanting to keep him as close as you could before you were forced to let go.

"Restless." Jay said with a small smile. "They're all buzzing to get back to work."

You nodded, remembering what one of the homicide detectives told you. Everyone was going to be looked at, making sure they had no part in the murders especially with Voight's history. They ignored your continuous pleas that they weren't involved because if you denied the killings which there was obvious evidence against you, could they really trust you?

"Voight's pulled a few more strings." Jay poked your forearm. "It took a lot of convincing but if everything goes according to the plan, tomorrow should go perfectly and you should get bail."

"Stop it." You looked at your boyfriend, not believing what he was trying to say. Maybe you were hallucinating and was actually starting to lose your mind. "With all the murders?"

"With everything." Jay nodded, watching as you smiled, pulling him into a kiss which you would've loved to deepen had it not been for the room you were in.

"I love you so much Jay Halstead." You stared into his eyes adoringly, backing away from the kiss.

"Tell Will I love him too." You smirked, remembering the doctor who witnessed you were arrested.

"You can tell him that yourself tomorrow, he'll be there." Jay stood up when the guards announced visiting hours were over, pulling you into a hug which you tightened. "We'll all be there."


"My client, Y/N Y/L/N pleads guilty."

Your head snapped up, looking at your lawyer in shock for her sudden change in script. This wasn't how it was supposed to go, this wasn't anything you planned. Your lawyer personally had a meeting with Hank which was interrupted by the entire unit who wanted to oversee it, making sure they all knew and agreed with what was going to happen at your trial.

You weren't the only one shocked, everyone behind you sharing the same look of shock on their faces. Everyone sitting on the wooden benches, dressed smartly, looking at the back of your lawyers head who was looking straight ahead at the judge.

And that's when everything started going downhill.

The lawyers that were your parents, easily proved that you were there on the night of the murder. Showing the video of you, every night, dragging the bodies to the warehouse. The motive was transparent, you were hurt and your childhood was ruined by those dead; you simply got revenge.

Your lawyer was pathetic. She had always been good at her job till today. She didn't, not even once, did she object anything that was being said. You couldn't help but feel betrayed, burning holes into the side of her face. She must've felt some ounce of regret because not once did she even glance over at you.

The judge announced a period of time for the jury to deliberate but you knew it wasn't going to be long before they walked back into the courtroom.

Clenching your jaw, you didn't even look at your lawyer, turning around to look at the people sat directly behind you. Basically anyone who could make it was there, not leaving a seat empty.

You sat, opening your mouth to say something but nothing came out. They all tried to remain stoic but when the members of the jury walked back in, less than five minutes later, you watched as their faces fell.

"We find Detective Y/N Y/LN guilty in the first degree for the murder of Jonathan and Bianca Green. We find Detective Y/N Y/L/N guilty in the first degree for the murder of Willow and Kieran Jones. We find Detective Y/N Y/L/N guilty in the first degree for the murder of Caroline and Sebastian Nolan. We find detective Y/N Y/L/N guilty in the first degree for the murder of William, Madison and Correy Kendric. We find Detective Y/N Y/L/N guilty in the first degree for the murder of Joshua and Lily Murphy. We find Detective Y/N Y/L/N guilty in the first degree for the murder of Jessica and Aiden Powell. We find Detective Y/N Y/L/N guilty in the first degree for the murder of Charlotte and Henry Quinn."

Your heart was thundering, echoing in your ear while everything around you was drowned out. You couldn't hear the relieved cries of the families on the other side, over the moon that the person who killed their parents, children and siblings was going away for the rest of their life. You couldn't hear the dismay behind you, some speaking up that this was all wrong and they couldn't put a highly decorated detective behind bars.

But you heard none of it.

Soon enough, you were forced to stand up, hands going behind your back while one of the men handcuffed you. You were forced to turn and face the crowd, finally looking at those who came today to show their support. You recognised every single person and their disappointment spoke volumes.

And just like that, you were being dragged away.

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