The Dinner

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"Soooooooooo....... Are we gonna talk about what happened earl-" Usopp was saying until he got kicked in the face by Sanji, "No, *Sob*, we are NOT going to talk about that!" Sanji barked back, trying to hide his tears.

"Hey piss-hair, you okay?" Zoro Sneered, "Shut the hell up shitty marimo bastard! Do you wanna fight?!" He barked back at the swordsman, who was now very pissed; As they were fighting, Nami was just sitting there, with a little pouty face and overall just out of the zone, but nobody noticed until they realized that she didn't stop the fight between Zoro and Sanji, which they picked up on a few minutes into it.

"Hey, why hasn't Nami stopped our fight yet?" Zoro remarked as blocking Sanji's foot with Enma, "Hmm, you're right marimo, why hasn't Nami-San stopped us" He replied back while lowering his foot, "Hey Nami-Swan, you okay?" He said looking at Nami; "Yeah it-it's-d-don't worry about it Sanji" She said in a reassuring way, Sanji didn't like it but he respected her wishes, but Luffy didn't, as he suddenly said "Nami? What's wrong? You look sad!" He said as putting his Meat down which sorta surprised everyone, but then weren't too shocked considering he values them over meat.....Right?

He walked over to Nami and put his hand on her forehead, confusing everyone; "Well, you're not sick. So I don't know what's wrong, are you sad Nami?" He said in a serious tone.

"Lu-Luff" She thought about it, remembering how he wouldn't leave her whenever she dismissed something while looking sad, "I'll-I'll tell you about it later, after dinner okay?" she replied, "Hmmm..... Okay!" he yelled out, making her grin.


Cue to dinner ending


As Luffy was leaving the kitchen, Nami grabbed him and said "After everyone leaves, meet me on the observation deck? Okay?" she said to him, "But what if somebody has watch dut-" Luffy was saying until he got punched; "What was that for Nami?!" He replied, "I HAVE WATCH DUTY YOU IDIOT!" She barked back, before letting out a sigh and a grin.


Cue to everyone besides them going to bed


"Nami! I'm here!" Luffy yelled to Nami, getting a punch to the face for being so loud about it, "Quiet Luffy!" she barked, letting out a sigh afterward, before her mood suddenly changed, startling the man; "Luffy, do you know what would happen if word got out that you were in l-love with me...." She said while staring at him, and when he got her message, his mood changed too, which startled her a bit.

Suddenly, he grabbed her and pulled her into a hug, "Nami, I'm am emperor now, I beat Kaido, you don't need to fear anything anymore" he said in a serious low tone, which made nami smile a bit, but it ended just as fast as it started; "But Luffy, what If I was caught, you may be super strong, but-but-" She was pulled closer before she could finish her sentance.

"Nami, you are strong, and if anything ever happens, I will always get you back, and whoever took you won't be in one piece (get it?)" he replied back.

"That's exactly my problem Luffy! what if they use me to weaken you, and capture you, what then?!" she replied,with a tear rolling down her face.

"Nami....." He moaned while he pulled her even closer, "I promise you that will never, EVER, happen to me, I will never lose to somebody who took you away from me..." he replied with a small grin.


Note: Next chapter is a flashback so haha yeah, also did you guys get my funny jokes I made hahahahahhahaerhahgehehge.

anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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