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The next day I'm on campus early for an 8:00am class. I grab a donut from the dining hall on my way to class. As I exit the door to walk across the quad, a shoulder slams right into me almost knocking me off of my feet. "Oh gosh, I'm so sorry!" I say as I look up. "You should be bitch!" Brie growls with a viscous glare.

"Huh...wow...nice manners kid!" I snap back. "Stay away from him!" She then sneers at me. "Excuse me?" I say with a scoff. "Tom...you're causing problems in our relationship!" She says gritting her teeth. "Oh really? Your relationship?" I ask chuckling. "Why do you say it like that?" She asks surprised. "Honey, he told me everything. There is no relationship" I say giving her a pitied look.

"Is that what he told you?" She replies with a smug grin. "Then why would he give me his mother's bracelet?" She says holding up her wrist flashing a gorgeous antique bracelet that's adorning it.

She slides it off and shows me the initials inside. "B.H. Betty Hiddleston." She then says. "Which also happen to be my initials so he thought I should have it after we had mind blowing sex one night in his office. He told me I was beautiful and called me his favorite pet" she says smiling as she puts the bracelet back on. I clench my jaw tightly then abruptly turn and walk away. "What's the matter? Did I hit a nerve pet? I hope you don't think you're special!" She hollers at me as I storm off across the quad.

I throw my donut into a trash can by the building that my 8:00 class is in. Then I slam myself onto a bench sulking as I try to compose myself before class. *How could I be so stupid? I was right, this is just what he does, takes advantage of young, naïve women. What an asshole!*

Just then I notice a guy staring at me a few feet away.

He casually walks over and sits down next to me

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He casually walks over and sits down next to me. "Hey, I noticed your Chem book, are you in Professor Johnson's class at 8:00 by chance?" He asks me.

"Um, yeah I am, why?" I say

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"Um, yeah I am, why?" I say. "Listen, my mom was just in a car accident and I have to run, could you possibly take notes for me please?" He politely asks.

"Sure" I mutter as I realize that I'm staring WAY too long into this guys gorgeous blue eyes. He smirks "thanks! Uh...I'm Jax by the way" he says holding out his hand. "Hi, I'm Ann. Sorry about your mom." I say still mesmerized by this man's beauty. "Thanks Ann" he replies with a cute grin. Then he pulls out a pen and reaches over taking my arm into his hand. He scribbles his phone number on the inside of my forearm then looks up at me with just his eyes when he's done. A flirty grin creeps across his lips. "I appreciate ya babe" he then says and gives me a wink.

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