The Date

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As I turn off the main road that the hospital is on, I see a sign that reads  "Road Closed." I grumble "shit!" Then turn the car around to go back in the other direction. When I passes the hospital and I feel a wave of guilt for leaving not knowing if Tom is dead or alive.

A cat suddenly dashes out into the road and I slam on my brakes to avoid it. "OKAY UNIVERSE, I GET IT!" I shout throwing up my hands up in the air. I sigh then drive back to the hospital. When I walk into the ER Luke is no longer there but neither is Tom. I have to ask someone where Tom is at and they direct me upstairs to surgery.

On my way out of the ER to catch the elevator I run into a Detective Deacon. "Well...hey Ann, what are you doing here?" He asks curiously. "I um...Tom is in surgery. His heart...I'm not sure what's going on, but I have to go" I reply frantically.

"Wow...I'm sorry to hear that. I hope he's alright. Hey, if you ever need to talk about anything..." he says to me.

I look at him stunned

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I look at him stunned. "You know, with everything that you told me that you went through." He says sheepishly. "I'm good, but thanks" I reply coldly pushing the button to close the elevator doors.

Once I arrive at the surgery waiting area, I see Luke pacing back and forth. "Ann! You came back!" He says to me excitedly as he grabs and hugs me. "How is he?" I ask in a stand offish tone. "He's in surgery, I don't know. Something about needing a heart stent" he tells me. I sit in the chair and put my head in my hands then sigh.

After a long gut wrenching an hour a doctor finally comes out, explains everything to us, and tells us that Tom is in recovery. We can go back to see him once he wakes up. "Luke, can you just call me and let me know how he is?" I ask grabbing his arm. "Nah, come on Ann, don't do this. I know that you're pissed at him, but be mad later once he's better." He says to me. "I can't, Luke, he invaded my privacy. What he did is stalking." I tell him.

Just then a stunningly gorgeous woman comes rushing into the waiting area. "Luke! What's going on?! Is he okay?" She asks frantically. "Hey Jackie, no...he's um...he's just getting out of surgery." He replies. "Oh god, what happened?!" She asks seeming overly concerned.

"We were fucking and he had a heart attack" I chime in coldly. "Oh...and you are?" She asks with a scoff. "Ann" I say glaring at her. "You're Ann, huh?" She replies looking me over. "I'm sorry, how exactly do you know Tom?" I ask her defensively. Luke puts his hands in his pockets and anxiously looks away.

"I'm his well...his main playroom girl" she says with a smirk. "Excuse me? His what?!" I ask shocked. "Between all of his other little misadventures, as I like to call them, I'm the one that he keeps coming back to over and over" she says with an arrogant grin. "And you, my dear, are just another misadventure" she adds.

I look at Luke and my nostrils flare, he can tell by the look in my eyes that I'm ready to rip this bitch in two. He quickly grabs my arm and steps in front of me. "Look Jack, me, you, and Tom we go way back, and I know you care about him a lot, but Ann here, she's more than that. She's more than you'll ever be to Tom. She's the girlfriend, he's in love with her" Luke informs her.

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