The End

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Tom texts me relentlessly over the next week begging me not to go to the Dean and file a formal complaint. Seeing him squirm after all of the pain and hurt that he's caused me is glorious.

Oddly enough, he finally gets the hint after I don't respond, and stops texting me. I just so happen to see Jackie at my OBGYN's office that same day. I'm there to pick up a new prescription of birth control pills, and as I turn away from the reception counter, we both run smack dab into each other. We don't say anything, I just glare at her and she timidly looks away.

She looks nervous and isn't quite her usual bitchy self. Oh the things that are running through my head right now. What could be giving this bitch so much anxiety in an OB's office. *My god please don't let it be a case of crabs or herpes.* I think to myself as I walk out. "Good god, what if she's pregnant?!" I whisper out loud as I slowly open up my car door.

Suddenly, a familiar voice resonates across the parking lot. I whip my head around to see Tom talking to a man by his car. *What the hell is he doing here?!* I ponder as I stare in his direction.

A woman then blares her horn at me as she waits for my parking spot

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A woman then blares her horn at me as she waits for my parking spot. Just then Tom looks over to see what the commotion is about, and the color all drains from his face.

 Just then Tom looks over to see what the commotion is about, and the color all drains from his face

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He suddenly excuses himself away from the man and jogs over towards me across the parking lot. The lady honks again, then I wave her past letting her know that I'm not leaving. She flips me off and hollers "stupid bitch!" Out her window. Tom glares at her as she drives off. I stare at him confused as he approaches me.

"Tom, what are you doing here?" I ask giving him a scowl. " are you doing here?" He asks flipping it back around on me. "Picking up these" I say holding up a pill pack. "Oh, right, good...yes those are useful" he nervously chuckles.

"So, do you always just creepily hang out in the gynecologist's office parking lot? Or does this have something to do with Jackie?" I say shifting my weight and crossing my arms. His jaw drops and he's suddenly unable to form words. "My god Tom please tell you guys aren't here for an STD treatment!" I snap at him.

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