The Surprise

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💥Gore Warning for this chapter! Read at your own risk💥

On the drive home from Oktoberfest I fall asleep. When we get to my apartment Jax wakes me up. "Hey doll face, you're home" he says. I rub my eyes and laugh "sorry to fall asleep on ya, too much excitement" I tell him. "Or too much beer" he jokes. "That too!"

"Want me to walk you in?" He asks. "I'm okay, but thank you Jax, today was amazing! I really needed this!" I tell him. "Me too, thank you for coming with me" he replies. I lean over to kiss his cheek and he quickly turns his head forcing my lips right into his. I quickly pull away "" I nervously laugh. "Sorry, I'm sorry Ann, I just couldn't resist. I like you...a lot and today was just perfect, I thought that maybe you felt the same" he says hesitantly.

"It was great, and I do like you, but my head is kind of a mess right now from all of the Professor Hiddleston stuff. It wouldn't be fair to you to jump into something that I'm not quite all in for yet." I explain. "I can respect that" he says surprisingly taking it well. "I just need some time" I reply. "I get it, I don't want to be second fiddle" he says with an understanding grin.

"Okay, I'm going to lean in again and kiss your cheek this time!" I say laughing. He smirks and doesn't try for a second kiss he just lets me give him a sweet peck. "I'll see you Monday for the test" I tell him. "Laters baby" he says. "Wait you didn't just laters baby me, did you?" I say laughing. He sighs and starts laughing. "I did, come on, I thought chics dug all of that Fifty Shades of Grey crap?" He replies.

I laugh "some might, but I seriously doubt you're a Christian Grey" I reply with a smirk. "WHAT?! I'm great at spanking, what are you taking about?!" He laughs. "Good night Jax" I say with a smirk closing the car door.

I walk up the steps and dig out my keys as he drives away. "Laters baby? Really?" Tom says as he steps out of the shadows behind me. "HUH!" I yell startled as I quickly turn around. "Oh my god Tom, you scared me!" I say to him holding my chest. "Sorry" he replies with an anxious grin. "Yeah, he's definitely no Christian Grey...that's a bit more up your alley" I say to him with a smirk.

"I'm not sure if I should be flattered or horrified by that comment" he says laughing embarrassed. "That depends, professor, are you really as Fifty Shades of fucked up as you seem?" I ask raising an eyebrow at him. He sighs "I'm really trying here Ann, I am. If you want to compare me to Christian Grey then I guess you're not that far off base. I do have a rather fucked up view of relationships." He says.

"Oh I wasn't talking about the relationships part Tom, I was talking about the sex dungeon in your basement" I say matter of factly. " did you...?" He starts to say. "Well, you blindfolded me and took me somewhere other than the bedroom to have sex with me. It was underground with a heated floor. Oh...and the whole consent and safe word was pretty obvious. That's a dead giveaway." I tell him.

"I...I...uh...hmm...I guess it is" he mutters with a nervous laugh. "Is that where you take all of your pets?" I snidely ask. "Ann...I...(sighs heavily) this is why I don't or can't date! I get asked about the other women, then the person who I care about gets jealous and it turns into a whole mess!" He says completely flustered then he turns away and starts to storm off.

"Tom, stop!" I say grabbing his arm. "Okay, I will try my best not to be jealous, but you have to do the same, with Jax. You made it clear we wouldn't be dating until the semester was over, so if I want to hang out with him before then, you can't say anything. And I won't say anything if you see other women" I tell him.

"I don't want other women, Ann" he says sternly. "And I don't want you to see other men. If I lose my job it won't be because of you, it'll be because of Brie. You're well worth the risk" he says to me. "So is this you asking me to date you?" I ask. "I suppose it is" he says fiddling with his hands looking down.

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