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"MMMM!" I squeal muffled from beneath the hand. "QUIET!" The voice snaps. The hand quickly flies off of my mouth and a blindfold whips overtop of my eyes even though the room is completely dark. I'm panting heavily absolutely terrified. "Where's Tom?!"
I plead. "I said QUIET" the voice sneers into my ear just before the hand goes back over my mouth.

Another hand grabs the back of my hair pulling my head in closer then I feel hot breath against my neck. A wet tongue slides against my skin and glides up along my neck. I pull away as my breath shudders and my pulse races.

All that's going through my head is that this is payback for what we did to Jax and Brie. Someone knows, and they're here to exact revenge. "You don't listen very well, why aren't you on your knees yet?" The man's voice says. I immediately drop down to my knees. I then feel his hand glide through my hair and hear footsteps slowly circling around me. They stop in front of me and a thumb then traces seductively across my bottom lip.

Suddenly, there's what feels like a dildo pressing against my lips. "Open" he grunts. *Thank god it's not the real thing* I think to my self relieved. I hesitantly part my lips and it plunges between them. "Suck it" he then commands as he cups my chin in his free hand. I proceed to simulate sucking the dildo off. I can't see his eyes but I can definitely feel them glued to my mouth watching intently.

"That's enough, now stand up" he sternly commands. I make my way up to my feet and stand there nervously waiting to see what happens next. My body starts to tremble as I feel a hand slide up under my blouse then overtop of my breast. Fingernails dig into my skin as the palm cups it. I wince and tears start to flood my cheeks. The grip on the hand softens and it lays flat against my chest feeling my heart race against it. I don't think that I've taken a breath the entire time since the hand started touching me.

"Relax love, it's my hand" I hear in my ear. I'm in utter shock recognizing Tom's voice. The hand slowly slips from my mouth and I hear Tom chuckle. "TOM?!" I angrily gasp then I reach up to pull my blindfold off. "Leave it" he snaps.

Two more hands glide over my hips from behind as Tom's mouth plunges against mine. I quickly push him off of me "who else is here?" I mutter with worry. "Just a friend" he says pushing his lips back against mine. "Tom, stop it! Why is someone else touching me?" I snap pushing the other hands away from my hips. "We're just having a bit of fun darling. Did you not find a stranger grabbing you at least a little bit exciting?" He asks.

"No!!! I was terrified and worried that something had happened to you! Why would you do that?!" I scold. "Because, in this room I do as I please and you don't question it!" He snaps back grabbing my hand away from the blindfold again as I try to remove it. "Fine, PIZZA!" I shout at him. "I don't want to do this." I then angrily sneer as rip off the blindfold off and storm out of the room.

I head straight to my car and drive home without looking back. Tom calls me and texts me numerous times throughout the night, but I just turn my phone off and go to sleep. The next morning I walk into his class and change my seat. I'm still pissed about that twisted little ambush with the mystery man. I end up sitting in the very top row by the door so that I can rush out at the end of class without talking to him.

"Hello class" he says shuffling papers. He look's disheveled or hung over as he rubs his forehead like he has a headache. He then scans the classroom and notices that my seat is empty.

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