College Roommate

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"You did what had to be done darling" Tom says grabbing my shoulders and turning me towards him. "I won't let anyone come between us...ever. Now you and I share a bond that can never be broken" he says smiling sweetly.

I look up at him still in disbelief, but the blood splatters next to his icy blue eyes draw me in, and I can't concentrate. I reach up and wipe them with my fingers then look down at my hands.

There's something completely animalistic that takes over inside of me as I stare at the blood

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There's something completely animalistic that takes over inside of me as I stare at the blood. I suddenly lunge at Tom smashing my lips against his. Our hands start feverishly grabbing at each other's bodies.

He walks us backwards towards the elevator then hits the button. "Where are we going?" I ask breaking from our kiss. "You know where!" He growls nipping at my neck with his teeth. The door flies open and we stumble into the elevator all over each other grabbing, panting and kissing frantically. Once we get to the basement, he takes my hand and rushes over to the locked room. But I tug on his arm trying to lead him back down the hallway towards the room that we just left.

"There?" He asks surprised as I pull him inside. I nod yes and bite my lip. As we walk into the room with the bodies, I stare at the blood on the floor. Then I walk over to him and lift his shirt up over his head. I lean down and dip my hand in the blood then smear it down his chest. "Oh darling, this is really dark, even for me" he mutters in a breathy tone.

I then grab the back of his neck and pull his lips against mine

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I then grab the back of his neck and pull his lips against mine.

He picks me up without hesitation and slams my back against the wall. His mouth starts feverishly mauling my neck and my bloody hands tangle up into the back of his hair staining his curls red. He frantically rips my shirt off over my head then slams his hand tightly around my throat. There's a darkness in his eyes as he starts to gently squeeze it.

He pulls the knife we used to kill Jax and Brie from his back pocket, then slides it slowly up under the front of my bra. He stares at my face as he glides it against my skin. My breath shudders and I try not to move. He then abruptly yanks it back towards himself slicing through the middle of my bra. My breasts pounce out and are almost now fully exposed under the shredded bra.

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