Chapter 34

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What little sleep Sung had gotten hadn't come easy. The thoughts of what was about to happen to Iroh and Zuko weighed heavy on his mind. He had thought back to the North Pole how he had helped Zuko in his mission to capture the Avatar. He had risked a Treason Charge that would have meant his life if someone had found out. Of course back then aside from helping out a friend in need, he had done it to oppose Admiral Zhao.

But now it was Azula who opposed Zuko. He didn't always agree with Azula, but Sung could never bring himself to stand against her. His loyalty to her fought with his Friendship to Zuko. So far his Loyalty was winning. Even the thought he had once been good friends with Zuko he had literally bled with Azula...and at least one bled for her. For months they had shared the good times and the bad times. He had his misgivings about it, but for Azula he would do anything. He loved her too much to ever betray her.

The Sun had just began to peak in the Windows as Sung sat up from the bed he had procured, rubbing his hands on his face. He felt groggy, the events from just a few short hours ago clear in his mind.  He needed at least a day to recuperate, but there was no time to rest. Today in a few short hours the Coup would begin in Ernest, the Dai Li would be deployed through Ba Sing Se and they would capture the Generals who sat on The Council Of Five. Sung should of been excited. The War would soon be over. But he just wanted to finish this business once and for all. But if the war ended today what exactly would Sung do? He was a Solider that's all he knew how to do.

He imagined he would stay in the Army, even in Peacetime. There was no greater Occupation than a Military Career. At least in Sung's mind. But with the War over maybe Sung could spend more time on his Home Island of Sun Dao. Take some time to actually rule over the land he was supposed to be a Lord to. But that title was Alien to him, no one called him "Lord Yang" they had called him "lieutenant", then "Captain", and most recently "Major". He had been called by his Military Rank so often that sometimes he forgot he was even Fire Nation Nobility. Truthfully he enjoyed people calling him by his Rank instead of his title, not because he was on a power trip and enjoyed commanding others. But because he had earned his rank through blood, sweat, and determination. He had no choice in being called a "Lord" but he had choice in his Military Career.

That's why he had strived so hard. That's when he had the chance he became a Ranger. Because it was something that had to be earned it wasn't something that he had been given. If by some freak occurrence The House Of Yang fell and Sung was stripped of his Lordship there was one thing that could never be taken from him and that was his Ranger Badge.

The sound of the door opening pulled him away from his thoughts and he looked over his Shoulder to see Azula. "Did you get any sleep?" She asked as she entered the room and sat on the bed next to him.

"A little I guess." He said giving a half truth. " I was Just thinking about my Future, after the war was over. I know I should be happy but..." he trailed off as he looked back out the window. Letting out a sigh. "I'm Afraid. All I know how to do is fight...I don't think I can function unless someone or something is trying to kill me...and it's not like I enjoy killing...I just don't know how to do anything else and that scares me." He looked down at his hands. A silence falling over the two, so much so that Sung looked back up at Azula. "Aren't you going to say anything?"

Azula looked at him for a moment before sighing. "I don't know what to say. I have never killed anyone, at least none that I know of. So I can't relate to you, and I already know what I'm going to do after the War is over so I can't relate to that either." He didn't know what response he had been looking for, but her response was fine enough he suppose. She knew what would happen after the war. "Sung...I think you will do what you can. I've been around you long enough to know that you can adapt to any situation if given enough will  learn how to live in a world that is at peace. You are a very capable Solider, and a skilled leader but you are so much more than that." She then Said.

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