all your fault

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"You needed me?" A beautiful lady walked over to your table which you deadpanned at. You send a glance at Heizou, raising an eyebrow at him. He only smiled back then looked at the tall girl.

"Yeah, I have a question." The girl nodded, beckoning him to go on. "Do you have a brother?" She paused.

   "No." She turned to leave but got stopped when Heizou said something.

   "But I was sure Scaramouche's sister worked here..."

   "Scaramouche?" She grabbed a chair and sat down at the table with Heizou and you. "I haven't seen Kunikuzushi yet this week. How is he?" Didn't she just say she didn't have a brother?

   "Oh, he's just fine actually." Heizou didn't even seem surprised that Shogun sat down after mentioning Scaramouche's name. "Say, you have any idea what his type is?"

   "Heizou..." you gave him a warning glare which he only chuckled at.

   "His type? What... don't tell me." She put a hand over her mouth with a happy expression taking over her features. "He has a crush?!" Shogun started squealing. "Tell me everything."

   "Sorry to disappoint, I'm not actually sure." Heizou waved off her excitement.

   "Hm? You don't know...?" Her happiness died down as she held a thumb to her lips, with her fingers curled against her chin. "Someone has a crush on him?" You gave a nervous laugh as she looked at you questioningly. Her eyes widened after seeing your response. "Holy shit."

   "Sorry?" Her response only puzzled you.

   "You got it second try, congrats." Heizou clapped quietly.

   "You like my brother?" Emphasis on you. "No way..."

   "Is that bad...?" You scratched your scalp confused.

   "I'm sorry, I never would've expected someone well mannered to like my brother." You tried not to smile at what she said, but Heizou laughing made it slip out.

   "Really?" Heizou wiped a fake tear.

Is Kuni that bad? Is that why he's laughing?

"'Well mannered?'" Oh...

"I am well mannered! Just not to you." Because you're a bitch. You wanted to say the last part but a part of you told you not to say it in front of her. Yeah she's really pretty, but you're trying to get a good word in for yourself right now... right.

"Ah, so that's how it is." Shogun covered her mouth, respectfully, to let out a light chuckle. Yeah she's really pretty. Why are her hands so perfect? I'm jealous. "Maybe you guys should date instead of my bratty brother." No, me and you.

Heizou gave you a knowing look when you glanced at him after staring at Shogun for a bit too long. "No, our relationship isn't like that..." he paused but didn't say anything after.

"Mhm, I see. Y/N, care to explain why you're here?"

   "No, no, I'm not the one who thought of coming here."

   "Yeah, all me." Shogun directed her attention to the goofball and gave him a pointed look, he started to explain. "My good friend here has some sort of crush on your angry brother, we really only just want some pointers and maybe some help?" He tilted his head at the end, a familiar smirk planted on his face.

   Shogun looks at you, wondrously, imaginary sparkles in her eyes that weren't there before. "Of course!" She covered her mouth and guiltily looked around to see if anyone had looked over due to her volume. Redirecting her attention to you, she smiles. "I'd really love to help you."

   You we're about to say thank you when Heizou cut you off. "You'd also help with our current predicament? No matter the difficulty?" Shogun nodded, excitedly. "Mhm, so your brother thinks N/N here is a creepy stalker."



"Damn, she really got worried when I said that." Heizou was walking without a care in the world, acting as if he wasn't completely aware he had almost sabotaged your chances at an actual boyfriend.

   "Heizou, are you sure she hasn't tattled on me yet?" you were tightly holding onto your phone which felt a bit heavier. It did retain 10 more numbers after all. Thinking on the events that happened only minutes ago, an uncomfortable feeling set in your stomach, an impending doom waiting to fall upon you because you lied about your identity.

   Your friends look at you in shame as the word spread through out the school that you cat fished a vulnerable man like a predator. Like a weak monster that lives under a child's bed, preying on their fear of the unknown as they hide every single limb under their blanket thinking it'll save them from you. Horrible, you feel horrible.

   It's all Heizou's fault.


   You texted your mom saying you felt sick, so she knew why she is gonna get a call from the school informing her you weren't there. Preferably, you would go to school and nobody but Yoimiya would know your existence. That way you would've never met Heizou, not like being friends with Yoimiya affected your relationship with him anyways. Yet her confidence rubbed off on you, no wonder you confronted Heizou when he was crying, you would've avoided if Yoimiya never existed.

   You wanted to sleep, but whenever you close your eyes, the thought of everyone hating you for being a cat fish made your stomach twist and turn—in a bad way. The embarrassment you feel from being outed so quickly and the anxiety of having to confront people. What if in the future you can't get a job because your employer happened to hear of what you did.

   Not like cat fishing is bad if done with non-harmful intentions, but rather people will know you're a coward. A coward who can't just talk to someone up front. Even Tartaglia will probably hate you, he's friends with Kunikuzushi, right?

   Your favorite song resounded through the room, you hadn't pressed or touched any technology, so it only left you with one conclusion. Someone was calling you. It was probably Heizou though, he's probably questioning why you weren't at school. He knew the answer anyways, why ask.

   When the ringtone stopped, it started again after a few seconds. And it stopped, and started again. And it stopped and started again. And it... fuck you.

   You grabbed your phone to see who it is. Heizou, as expected. Just block him, it's temporary or permanent. Whatever you feel like doing. But what surprised you, was Kunikuzushi calling after you had blocked Heizou. He's definitely questioning your identity, probably heard it from Shogun and was checking to see if that was true. And then cuss you out after figuring his sources were true. Blocked.

   Not feeling up for blocking another person, you silence your phone. Yeah sure, what you were doing was something you'd cringe at later and impulsive, but you were embarrassed and ashamed right now. Confronting someone after you had blocked them due to some random bullshit was always embarrassing. Everything was embarrassing to you.


Omg guess who just updated after one and a half months 🥺
With a rlly short chapter too🤞🤞🤞

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