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This chapter may or may not be really important to the plot
idk but it's just about when you used to have a crush on Heizou.
I thought it was necessary bc I mentioned something about Heizou in the chapter before this.
Skip if you'd like bc it's rlly long but I put a lot of effort into this ;(

Yes, I'm gaslighting you.

   "He's so pretty" you sighed resting your jaw on the palm of you hand while watching a certain someone from outside the window. He always waved at you in the halls after he caught you staring at him multiple times. You were caught off guard when he first waved at you, but when he kept doing it every time you met eyes, it became normal.

   You would've assumed he liked you back if it weren't for him having a girlfriend already. His girlfriend was really pretty, it wasn't like you were interested in her, but they were always together so you decided to pay attention to her too.

   The way she carried herself on her two delicate feet made it obvious she was elegant. It wasn't like she was some popular girl, but everyone knew her. She was quiet and reserved, the complete opposite of her partner. But even so, they fit together like two puzzle pieces.

   "Archons, you're falling for boys left and right. Who's next, the president?" A feminine voice responded to you from next to you at the table you were sitting at.

   "Sorry Yoi, but this school is probably the only one with decent men."

   "You're not wrong..."

   "Silence! This is silent reading time, not talking time." A voice with a heavy accent said from the front of the classroom.

   Mrs. Apunda again, is the only word in her vocabulary silence? She says it over and over again. Your class can't shut up so she says it every 5 minutes, today though, a lot of people were absent. She wasn't really a good teacher, it's not the accent that made you dislike her, it was her method of teaching.

   A list of why she's a sucky teacher.
She lost everyone's planning for their essays

She relies on videos to teach even though she's a Language Arts teacher, they're supposed to teach with vocabulary and essays or some shit.

Her instructions aren't clear. She changes her wording every time she explains and it confuses the students

She... never mind, listing reasons of why a teacher is dookie isn't very productive.

   A more productive thing? Fawning over cute boys. If Yoimiya was reading your mind right now, she'd smack you across the face. Currently, the only guy you have on your mind is Heizou. Yeah, he had a girlfriend, but he's attractive so why not. It's not like it's bad to think they're pretty when they're in a relationship, just bad to act on it.

   He's gentle and sweet, even if you don't know him he'll still smile at you. Like an angel.. You couldn't imagine him liking you at all, but the way he's so nice makes your mind race. You only talked a few times, and today you were going to ask for his number. In a friendly way of course, nothing that will make him think you're interested. Never mind, asking for people's number is embarrassing.

In your mind, you planned out multiple scenarios, but you weren't even sure he would react the way you expected him to. It was better to lay low. If he ever broke up with his girlfriend, maybe you could ask a week after.

You grabbed your stuff from your locker, as usual, Yoimiya left school already. Her dad can never be late you guess. Your mom texted you saying she's staying at work longer than usual, so you'd have to walk home. No problem really, you live close enough to get home in maybe 20 minutes... you're going to die.

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