mr studious

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"FINALLY." A loud and obnoxious voice yelled from across the parking lot. "Y/N you took so long to get here, even Mr. Lost His Keys got here before you!"

"Give me a break, I walked to the wrong McDonald's." You slowly walked up to them

You heard Yoimiya let out a little giggle and you stuck your tongue out at her ironically. Finally stepping onto the curb you follow the group into the establishment.

"I cant believe you would mix up the yellow McDonald's with the other one." Heizou shook his head at you in fake disapproval while Gorou seemed proud he made it here before you.

"What the hell is the difference, they're both yellow..." you roll your eyes at Heizou. He always made fun of you for some reason, Itto is right there what's his problem.

You inhaled the smell of soggy fries and immediately wanted some, but you didn't know if they actually sold them this early in the day and asking was embarrassing.

"Guys, guys, should I get the Hotcakes" Itto asked excitedly. He was really excited about eating with everyone for breakfast.

"No, ask for something appropriate for your age. I'd say maybe some apple slices?" Kokomi finally talked for the first time, she seemed exhausted.

Itto stared blankly likely thinking about what she said. "Oh right, apple slices are the healthy choice for breakfast! Only people like you and me would know that." He seemed proud he thought up of it, he had the mentality of a 12 year old.

Nobody was talkative as it was 8 in the morning on a weekend. You waited for 15 minutes, the place wasn't even busy, but there were only like 3 workers back there or.

The only other person in the place was some kid wearing a jacket with the hood up. He was probably working on homework from school with all the paper on the table he was at. His phone which was on the table next to him had made you stop and stare for a few seconds, his case was the same color as your hair.

Itto seemed to have been getting really bored with the silence so he decided to loudly ask, "who wants some apple slices?!" You quickly looked away from the boy as he quickly looked up to look at Itto who you were sitting next to.

"Itto can you shut up" Gorou said before taking a bite out of the apple slices he was holding.

"You could've just said you wanted some apple slices before I asked..."

While you watched Itto and Gorou share the apples, you felt a tap on your shoulder. "Psst," Yoimiya whispered, Heizou who was in front of you had leaned in as well.

"What is it Yoimiya," you whispered back.

She leaned closer to your head and pointed towards the dude that was doing homework a few minutes ago, "isn't that Scaramouche?"

What? You looked over at the dude you were staring at earlier as you could see him a bit better. Instead of you only being able to see the top of his head since he was writing, you were now able to see his face. Heizou logged onto his phone after seeing Scaramouche for whatever reason.

Scara stood up quickly then glanced in your direction, you were sure he knew you were staring as Yoimiya didn't try to hide the fact she pointed very well; her arm was outstretched to its full length.

Itto who saw where she was pointing had already stood up and was walking Scaramouche's way. "Hey buddy," He ruffled the poor dude's hair. "you know Yoimiya?"

   "I'm busy" he said pushing Itto's hands out his hair. He had attempted to walk away but Itto grabbed his shoulders.

   "Yoimiya, why haven't you ever introduced me to this little guy?" Scaramouche's face seemed to darken when Itto had called him little guy.

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