12| Our Soul Connection*

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*This chapter contains sexually explicit scenes, strong language, and other acts that may not be in your interest.*


My patience has run out; we've never been this close. I can feel her quick breath on my mouth when I lean back in. "Please, Athena..." I've resorted to begging and I am not even ashamed.

"I just... here?" she asks as she glances around at the woods around us and the wood lining where, just through the trees, there is a party going on in my honor.

"I don't give a fuck about them, or where we are. When I'm with you, it doesn't matter what else is going on around us. And that applies right now more than ever." I brush my lips softly over hers.

"I need you," I repeat for a third time, "in every way."

"I don't want to wait anymore either," she answers breathlessly.

It's all I need to hear before I am unbuttoning her jeans and slipping them down her legs. I brush my fingers over her underwear and she is already soaked.

"See? You can't wait to have me either, Athena. You've been waiting for this as long as I have," I lean in right next to her ear so that she can feel my words, "Maybe even longer."

Her breath hitches and my dick throbs in response. The sound makes my dick throb in my jeans. I want her, but I want to worship her. I can't do it properly out here, but I can't wait.

She squirms beneath me and it snaps me out of the war in my mind. "You are even more incredible than my wildest fantasies, Athena."

I kiss my way down her torso and when I make it to her waistband, I lift it just a bit and blow cool air straight down. Her back bows and her hands grab at the dirt beneath her. Yesss, fuck.

"Tell me you want me," I demand.

"I want you," she breathes, "Now."

I want to move a bit slowly because I know as soon as I sink myself into her this will be over so fast.

"Fuck, you're going to be my undoing," I admit. "We have to go slow, baby. It's been way too long, and this is all I have ever wanted."

"What is?" she asks. "Sex in the woods?"

I chuckle, move her panties to the side, and kiss her pussy lips softly, "You, baby girl, just you. In every way that you'll have me."

She groans and thrusts her hips into my mouth. I close my whole mouth over her pussy and swirl my tongue around her opening.

She moans loudly, and turns her head toward the party behind me. "Stop looking for them, look at me," I command her. Her eyes snap back to mine as I flick my tongue back and forth on her clit.

"You're mine," I suck her lips and release them with a sloppy sound, "Not theirs." I slurp at her again. "No one else's," I continue the assault with my tongue, devouring every inch that I can reach from this position.

"Yesss," she responds as she closes her eyes and grabs at the soil and roots around us.

"Tell me, Athena," I want to relish that I don't have to share her with anyone in this moment. There has never been a single moment that I felt was just ours. Until now.

"I'm ya–yours," she stutters breathlessly. I shove my tongue into her as deeply as I can and remove it quickly.

She emits a whimper. "Remind me again, baby. Who do you belong to?"

"You," she whines, "Only you, Stetson."

My name rolling off her tongue, in the moment, snaps my resolve. I don't stop sucking and kissing her pussy lips as I unbutton my jeans and push them down just far enough to free myself.

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