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If you've stuck with us this far, thank you from the bottom of my heart, but I wanted to mention a few people who I feel deserve it for supporting me and my wild writing.

Thank you, @Elisha_Pillayy and happy birthday to you (Feb 23) I hope you love the final chapter to this novella. You've been with Athena, Dorian, and Stetson since the very beginning and they would love you as much as you love them.

Thank you, @Rita_Tori   for sticking with us as well! You encouraged me to continue writing when I had no motivation!

 @Tsoni1994  for giving it a try and reading through the first novella all in one day.

There are plenty more who have supported this series and I wish you all the best with your reading and writing.

Most importantly, never stop being beautifully and wonderfully you.

Love you 3000,


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