one ; the beginning

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ONE ; the beginning.

ONE ; the beginning

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The wind was gentle on Mä'reyna's skin. The sun beamed down on the bright blue water as laughs and shouts were heard through the village. A bright smile struck on her face as she sat with her younger sister, Tsireya and younger brother, Aonung.

The Sully's had just arrived a few weeks prior, the three siblings already making good friends with Neytiri and Jake's children, well at least Reyna and Tsireya held a kindness towards them, Aonung just caused trouble.

Although the two princess's were happy with their new friends, they couldn't help but discuss concern over the safety of the village. They knew it was risky, but what kind of leaders would their parents be if they turned down refugees, plus the Sully's were nice although their mother shared a certain dislike towards Neytiri, which Reyna did not really understand.

"It is so beautiful out.." Reyna spoke in na'vi, a bright grin stretching over her sisters face as she nodded in agreement. The twos feet swinging in the water below them, giggles leaving their lips at the small sea creatures swimming below them.

"Lo'ak learned how to ride a ilu!" Tsireya squealed, a blush forming her cheeks as their brother gagged and rolled his eyes, getting up as he saw his friends. Reyna smiled softly to her sister, watching the children run and play in the water, several infants making their first swim in the aqua sea.

Reyna's heart warmed as the little laughs and squeals echoed through the air, her sister had made her way to Tuk and Lo'ak who played in the water with the Ilu's, leaving Reyna on the rock by herself.

Reyna watched as both of her siblings played around with their friends. A frown taking place of the smile once gracing her face. She wished she could talk to people like her siblings, she wished she could go play in the water and abandon all responsibilities and pressure her father put on her. Last time she decided to listen to the beam in her heart, her father scolded her in-front of the entire village including the Sully's.

She just wanted to play.

"Mä'Reyna!" Her fathers voice knocked her from her train of though, a sigh releasing as she moved from the rock, her feet leaving the water. "Yes?" She asked quietly, her father looming over her with a distasteful look.

"You're mother has been calling for you, in the hut." Reyna nodded, dragging her feet towards the family's shared hut in the village. Reyna looked back at the scene longingly, the giggles and sounds of joy becoming distant as she was surrounded by women and men of the clan doing chores.

A heavy feeling taunted her chest, her mother coming into view as she was with several of the older women of the clan, her big pregnant belly on show as they weaved and braided the new loincloths. "Reyna..." Ronal smiled at her oldest daughter, the sorrow on her face not going unnoticed by Neytiri who sat opposite of Ronal much to her hatred.

They may not of liked each other but they had to work together for the clan. "Why must you always run off girl? Huh? Always somewhere your not supposed to.." One elderly healer complained, a glare prevalent as Reyna kneeled down beginning her work with a deep frown.

"Playing around like a child, you are future Tsahìk and she's playing around like child.." Each insult wasn't new, her mother shared and look with the elder, scowling at her before placing a hand on her daughters back, rubbing it in a comforting manor before getting up with the basket of finished loincloth's walking out of the hut.

"She's weak, still a child although full grown Na'vi, always whining and playing with the children..." Reyna's hands shook as she braided the beads to the cloth, her throat choking up and tears filling her bright blues.

Neytiri watched the interaction between them with a disgusted look, ever since meeting Mä'Reyna, the clan princess was nothing but nice to the older women. Welcoming her with open arms and treating her children with nothing but warmth and affection, constantly playing with Tuk and Kiri near the shore. Kiri had make it known to her mother on her new friendship with the princess, they two constantly sneaking about during the night to go swimming.

She understood the pressure the elders put on Reyna though, she was next in line and had duties but it was obvious Reyna had no interest in being leader, she wanted to play and enjoy her youth, talk to her friends and make memories rather than working.

Neytiri placed a hand on Reyna's hand, offering her a small smile, gently wiping a tear from her cheek. "Irayo..." Reyna spoke weakly, her shaking hands quickly finishing up her work before running off from the hut, bidding her apologies as she made her way deep into the forest surrounding them, sobs breaking from her throat.

" Reyna spoke weakly, her shaking hands quickly finishing up her work before running off from the hut, bidding her apologies as she made her way deep into the forest surrounding them, sobs breaking from her throat

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Reyna sat in the small forest, the white dots littering her body glowing in the night. The forest lit with beautiful colors under the pitch black sky. Her knees curled to her chest as she wiped the stray tears, she didn't know how long she had been gone from the village and she didn't care, she needed to silence the screaming in her head and pain in her chest.

She wasn't a warrior like her mother, she wasn't a leader like her dad, she may of had it in her blood but morally, she didn't like fighting or killing, she liked to teach and heal, she loved working with the children and watching the infants take their first swim.

Sometimes, she wished someone would scoop her up and take her away from here, tell her that it was all gonna be okay and didn't scowl at her like her father or the elders. But she knew that was wrongful thinking, Eywa had a plan for her and this was it, no matter if she liked it or not.

Reyna's wishful thinking was cut short by the sound of shouting, her ears pinning back and tail standing up as she sniffled, turning towards the direction of chaos and noise. None of the voices were familiar, goosebumps littering her skin as she grazed the handle of the dagger strapped on her thigh. Her eyes darted all around her, several of the small wildlife that she shared her company with scurrying away, her heart pattering against her chest.

And before she knew it, she was surrounded by tall na'vi's. Na'vi's that resembled the Sully's and the Forrest clan. They were dressed in off pattered clothing, fully covering them making her grimace, they held big machine weapons pointed at her, staring at her with disgust, she saw their fingers, five grazing the heavy weapons. These were not Na'vi. They were sky walkers, and Reyna was completely surrounded by them.

 They were sky walkers, and Reyna was completely surrounded by them

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