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June 30, 2007
Sacramento, California


"Tomorrow is going to suck," I whispered as I stared out my bedroom window onto the patio below. "The big one-eight," I thought, "and my life couldn't be less exciting."

I loved my mother, but she had always treated me like a porcelain doll, overprotective to the point of smothering me. I did not understand her need to keep me so sheltered.

Most girls my age go out to the mall, to parties and movies with groups of friends, but I always turned down invitations because I knew what my mother was going to say to me.

"It's not safe."

While most girls dreamed about coming of age, I was dreading it, as I did every birthday. I could remember the first time I noticed the fear in my mother's eyes every time someone would say that I was growing up so fast and that I looked like her more and more. My mother was beautiful, and I took pride in taking after her. You would've thought she'd be proud, too. But what I saw in my mother's eyes when someone mentioned the striking resemblance wasn't pride. It was horror.

It hurt my heart to see the fear in her beautiful face. Her reaction was always the same-to become more overprotective, of course. She was the best mother in the whole world, really-I knew she would die for me and I for her-I just wished I understood her better.

I didn't quite understand her fear of me growing up. I often wondered if something bad had happened to her in her younger years. She never talked about the past, about the life she lived prior to having me nor her relationship with my biological father. The few times I asked, she gently told me it was not the time to talk about her past, to be patient. The times I questioned her, I could see the sadness in her eyes for several days, and I'd hated myself for hurting her.

I walked to my dresser and looked at myself in the mirror. It occurred to me that my hair needed a trim. I brushed my long silky tresses into a messy bun. I stared at the mirror, wondering if my life would be different if I didn't have my mother's long, honey-colored hair and bright turquoise eyes.

Oh God, why did you make me so much like her if you knew it would make her unhappy?

With a sigh, I slipped into my pajamas and jumped into bed.

"Dear God, please let tomorrow go swiftly and painlessly," I prayed silently. I snuggled into my duvet, the warm cover cocooning my body, and I gradually drifted off.


In the morning, I awoke to a surprise. "Oh my gosh!" I exclaimed as I stood in complete shock. "They're beautiful." I whispered.

On the corner of my dresser stood the most beautiful bouquet of red and yellow tulips. They were my favorite flowers, but I had never received a full bouquet of them. I jumped out of bed to take a quick smell of the tulips when I noticed a small envelope nestled among the flowers, Skylar Parker written on it in my mother's handwriting.


Eighteen years ago, you came into this world, changing my life forever. I had never felt complete until the moment I held you in my arms. You are and will always be my little miracle. I know I have not been the best mother, although I wish I were. Nevertheless, every day I see the smile on your face, it inspires me to be a better person. I love you so much. All I want is the best for you.

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