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Now for our next GOAL I need 150 views and PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE 30 votes. I know we can do it, PLEASE SHARE, SHARE, SHARE with your friends this awesome story about true love. As soon I reach the GOAL I'll update CHAPTER FIVE!!!!!! ..........................................sending virtual hugs your way :)

Five winners!!!!!!

Not one, but FIVE!!!!!

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Startled, I dropped the grapes and they scattered across the ground. I slowly swallowed and turned around.

Finally! Thank you, God, I thought to myself.

It was him, the handsome man from the airport, the ferry and the beach. But instead of smiling now, he looked annoyed. My cheeks turned red and my hands started to sweat. He stepped closer to me. I racked my brain for something to say.

"I-" I started to speak, but I was interrupted by his deep voice.

"You do realize you're on private property, right?" he said to me in a low whisper, his sexy Italian voice now sounding stern. I looked up at him anxiously, the glare of the sun blocking my view of his face.

"I'm sorry, I didn't think anyone was here, the grapes just looked so ... I don't know," I stammered. "I'm not from here, please don't call the cops ... I ... my mother would be so pissed."

Suddenly he laughed, a rich, sexy sound that made me weak in the knees even as I sighed with relief. "I am-how do you say?-teasing you." He smiled broadly at me. "My name is JC."

The gorgeous guy put his hand out for me to shake it, and I gently placed my hand in his.

"Sky ... my name is Sky," I mumbled nervously. My face was hot, whether from embarrassment or from something else, I wasn't sure.

"Sky." He repeated my name. In his voice, it suddenly sounded unbelievably sophisticated and beautiful. He brought my hand up to his mouth and gently kissed it. A current of electricity ran through my body when his warm lips touched my skin. His emerald eyes never left mine. "The pleasure is all mine," he added and slowly released my hand. As soon as he let go, I feel a sense of emptiness. Already I missed his touch.

"Is this your place?" I asked trying to ignore my discomfort.

He chuckled. "It's my parents'."

I bit my lower lip. Just then, of course, my phone started ringing. I sighed and pulled it out of my pocket. JC's eyes locked on mine as I flipped open my phone and answered my frantic mother.

"Yes, Mom, no, I haven't been kidnapped, yes, I'm safe. Okay! I'll be back soon." I made it through the phone call as fast as possible and smiled at JC.

"I better get going," I said, the disappointment in my voice embarrassingly obvious. I turned to walk away, but he grabbed my hand.

"Let me walk you home. I'm sure it's a long walk back to ... wherever you came from."

I quickly pulled my hand away. "I don't know you," I said.

He laughed and backed away, holding his hands up in surrender. "Mi dispiace. I just want to make sure you get home safe. You can trust me." He stretched out his hand once again and sweetly smiled at me. "I am not a stranger to you anymore; we have bumped into each other several times now-it is a coincidence, no?"

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