3.first meeting

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Hadrian was eating breakfast when his OWLs results came.. he wasn't impressed.. actually it was really expected... he got O's in all his subjects and the ministry letter informed he was able to obtain his mastery in potions, runes, transfiguration, ward/curse breaking, defense arts (the class was defense against all type of magic it seems Dumbledore made it against only dark arts and called it Dada) and spell creation.. and that he was NEWTs level in herbology, charms, divination, astronomy, creature care, magical history, muggles history, muggles defense, politics, etiquette and languages.. since Hadrian took the languages courses (that's what he informed the ministry)..Hadrian took Greek, latin, French, German, Russian, Arabic, and Japanese (actually he can speak any language he want but that would spoil his fun if he was discovered this early)
Hadrian continued his breakfast and decided to go take his mastery since he has nothing to do for now.. after he finished the required tests he went to diagon alley to get his school supplies.. he got his school robes and an entire new wardrobe then he went to ollivander to get a new wand.. he absolutely enjoyed the petrified look on the old man face after Hadrian told him which of the presented items he felt the pull to.. at the end he had an 11 inches flexible wand made with thesterals bone as the wood (that's if bones are considered woods) and dementor cloak with basilisk venom as the core .. the man was terrified..
After that Hadrian got his books .. he was disappointed he didn't find any interesting book in the bookstore.. shameful
after that he went on a search for cauldrons, a broom, potions ingredients and many other things.. after a long day he finally rested in the shower thinking what to do next..
While he was dozing off an idea came to his mind.. why in hell should he wait until hogwarts to meet his Tom? .. as he remembers his Tom hates the orphanage.. let's get him out then..
The next day Hadrian was in front of the orphanages door literally bouncing with excitement.. he will finally meet his Tom
:'how can I help you young man?.' A woman he recognized as Ms.cole asked him as he entered her office..
:'I'm here to take what's mine.' Hadrian said..
:'.. and may I know what do we have that is yours?..' the woman asked..
:'Tom marvolo riddle' Hadrian replied coldly
:'so you know about that monster?' The woman said and Hadrian grinned evilly..
:'well if you continue being a dumb bitch you will discover that tom is an angel compared with me.' He said noticing her tense dramatically.. already scared?.. pity..
:'Second floor... last room.. the one so far away from the other rooms..' Ms.cole said and Hadrian smirked walking out of the office.. he climbed the stairs.. finally he will meet his Tom..
He saw the rooms and immediately knew which one was tom's.. he was angry.. the room was isolated.. he knew exactly what to do.. he knocked the door and heard a cold "come in" ... finally
He opened the door and saw his Tom by the window reading a book.. he looked so gorgeous
:'who are you?' Tom said and Hadrian smiled at him like an insane psyco..
:'my Tom.. finally...I can see you.. my Tom..' Hadrian said approaching Tom..
:'..your..Tom?' The boy asked and Hadrian's smile grew bigger..
:'pack your things.. you are coming with me' Hadrian said and tom raised an eyebrow
:'.. if you can't see well I can tell you that  I'm a full grown kid.. so I'm not really available for adoption..' Tom said and Hadrian chuckled..
:'.. I came looking for you.. especially you.. come with me.. I will explain later..' Hadrian replied
Tom sighed and started packing his things.. this.. person is a wizard.. and a very powerful one.. Tom can tell that this man can kill him easily.. so either he listen or get killed if not tortured before that..
:'I'm done' he said shrinking his trunk putting it in his pocket.. Hadrian took his hand and dragged him out the orphanage.. they stood in front of the  orphanage door
:'.. this orphanage.. do you love this place' Hadrian said and tom looked at him as if he grew two heads
:'no.. I don't' Tom said honestly.. he knew that lying won't be a good option
:'did they hurt you? All of them.. even the kids?' Hadrian asked and tom nodded ashamed of his weakness
:'use your words' Hadrian orderd
:'yes they did' Tom was angry either himself.. why did he obey this man.. why does he feel happy while obeying this man..
:'look closely' Hadrian said and tom looked at him then at the orphanage.. suddenly the orphanage exploded.. all of it was on fire.. screams can be heard from far away.. all begging to be saved.. asking for help.. Tom caught Ms.cole eyes as she was trying to escape from the window.. she asked him to help her.. to call someone to help.. but tom didn't.. he was di fascinated by this sight.. he saw Hadrian pointing at the woman.. and she exploded.. there were words written with the fire that Tom suspected no one can see it beside him "no one hurts my tom" he looked at Hadrian who was looking at him with loving insane eyes.. he was scared..terrified but he liked what the man did..if he was dreaming he wanted this dream to never end.. people hated him.. his followers at school obeyed him out of fear and never cared for him.. thin man burned down where he spent his miserable childhood while looking at him with so much love like he didn't just kill dozens of kids and many adults.. this man.. wanted him.. desired him..
:'do you like it my tom' Hadrian asked
:'absolutely' Said tom giving the orphanage ashes one last look..
:'let's go to our home then' Hadrian said taking ton in his arms and apparated them to the peverell castle..
:'this is your home?' Tom asked
:'yes' Hadrian said still looking at tom..
:'and I'm going to live here'.. Tom asked
:'yes' Hadrian said smiling
:'why?' Tom questioned
:'because you are mine.. and I'm not someone who leave their property out of sight..' Hadrian replied holding tom closer
:'I'm no one's property' tom yelled and Hadrian smacked his ass then grabbed his hair so their eyes can Meer
:'I waited so long for this second.. you are mine.. and I will not let anyone say otherwise even if it's you.. if you dare decline my ownership over you.. you won't like my punishment.'Hadrian growled and tom tilted his head to the side baring his neck.. he doesn't know what's this feeling but it's suffocating.. he wanted to please this man..
Hadrian nuzzled Tom's neck then bite hard sucking his blood.. Tom moaned loudly while Hadrian drained his body..
When Hadrian was full he licked the bite mark and looked at Tom who was trembling in his arms..
:'are you ready to listen now?'he asked and tom nodded Hadrian sat down on the couch and put Tom on his lap..
:'you are my submissive mate' Hadrian said showing Tom his fake test.. it's so early for the boy to know the truth.. tom's eyes went wide.. then calculating.. then he looked at Hadrian
:'this is fake..' Tom said and it was Hadrian's turn to be shocked..
:'what?..how?' Hadrian said and tom smirked
:'actually I don't know how but I have the ability to see magic.. and I know somehow that this is fake' Tom said and Hadrian smiled
:'I wouldn't expect less from my mate..' his mate was so clever Hadrian was very proud.
:'but you are not ready for the real one so bear with that for now' Tom looked at him and glared
:'you think I'm weak?' Tom yelled
:'no it's..' Hadrian was cut off by an angry tom getting off his lap yelling
:'then show me the real one' Tom said and Hadrian couldn't take it anymore
:'listen here you brat.. I'm the one in charge here either you listen or I will just kill you' Hadrian wasn't joking.. if tom will he a brat like this he will just kill him and go to another time-line when tom is still a baby.. like that Hadrian can raise him to be the perfect submissive for him..
:'follow me' Hadrian said to a terrified tom who followed immediately.. Hadrian was planning on sleeping in the same room with his Tom but this brat ruined it.. he showed tom a room and said
:'you will stay here.. rest well tomorrow we have a busy day' he locked the door and warded the room then went to his room.. Tom was really bad today.. Hadrian barely caught himself to not punish the boy .. he will give tom some time.. but before hogwarts start.. Tom must be a perfect mate for him..

His Tom will understand in the end

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