6. punishment and questions

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Tom was fed up.. Hadrian was ordering him around like some lowly slaves... he was punished many times.. and he couldn't even spend half a day without breaking the rules.. that's not acceptable.. well and that's how tom snapped and got the most severe punishment he ever got..
:'tom.. go clean your room you can't be dependent on the house elves forever..' Hadrian said smiling at tom
:'ok I get it' Tom replied gritting his teeth
:'oh and bring me the books piled on the desk in the library' Hadrian ordered.. he can summon the books easily but he wanted to get tom used to obeying him
:'can't you use your magic? Or a house elf? The library is on the fucking other side of the  mansion .. so far away from my room' Tom argued
:'language.. and  I can use magic but I won't.. I suggest you obey without throwing a tantrum' Hadrian said glaring at tom who was really angry right now
:'I'm not a dog.. you can't order me around.. even if you are my dominant I don't need nor want to be your slave' Tom said looking at Hadrian and It didn't take long for Tom to recognize the rage in Hadrian's eyes and to know he really messed up.. he was slapped again but this time Hadrian used more strength in the slap and tom's face started to change Color while his lip was bruised and blood dropped down..
:'I think you need to be disciplined' Hadrian said picking tom up and throwing him in a room.. a play room.. Tom didn't have time to apologize as he was tied to the wall naked with his back to Hadrian... 
:'50 with my hand.. 50 with a cane .. then you will be whipped with a magical whip.. you will be able to see it as you can see magic.. how many times is up to me and I won't tell you... next time you will know better than talking back' Hadrian said coldly without emotions.. and tom knew he screwed up
:'wait Hadrian I'm sorry I won't do it again' Tom said trying to apologize but Hadrian didn't listen and he started spanking tom with his hands.. but to tom it were like metal .. it was so hard and cold.. and each smack was more painful than the last one.. after many smacks Hadrian stopped and tom looked relieved.. poor boy he thought Hadrian forgave him.. such a poor puppy.. Hadrian smirked and said
:'I said it will be 50 by my hand.. but you didn't count.. how can I know if I finished the punishment or no?' Hadrian said and tom gasped.. he didn't mean that he will start again..did he?.. he looked at Hadrian and felt himself trembling with fear.. oh he did mean that.. Hadrian smiled at him
:'don't forget to count this time' Hadrian said smiling evilly and tom nodded..
Hadrian started spanking tom again and tom count each one..
:'f-fifty.. ah' Tom said sobbing and trying to catch his breath
:'good boy.. but.. as I'm punishing you for misbehaving.. you should have thanked me after each smack.. you didn't.. that mean you didn't learn your lesson..' Hadrian said and tom looked at him with teary wide eyes
:'..no n.no please.. I learned my lesson.. please.. I will not do that again.. please.. thank you for disciplining me.. I'm really sorry.. please.. please don't start again.. I swear I will never misbehave again.. please I beg you' Tom begged and Hadrian looked at him.. he knew he was being so harsh.. but tom won't learn otherwise.. this is all for Tom..  he wouldn't hurt his Tom if it wasn't for his own good.. Hadrian shook his head and caressed tom's red and purple ass..
:' I was so lenient with you my doll.. this is for you.. after this.. I hope you will be a good boy' Hadrian said and with that tom knew even begging won't save him.. Hadrian started again with his hand and tom count and thanked him while Apologizing every time.. Hadrian didn't say he need to apologize but he didn't want Hadrian to have another reason to start again .. his ass cheeks were really in pain... the problem is that he actually felt pleasure from the pain..
:'ngh.. f.fifty thank you for d.disciplining me.. I'm s.sorry for m.misbehaving.. aah' Tom said crying and trembling
:'good boy.. you are learning.. but your punishment isn't done' Hadrian said and tom was absolutely terrified.. he regret angering this man.. he can't take it anymore.. Hadrian started spanking tom with a cane.. and tom screamed until his throat was sore.. Hadrian's hands was nothing compared to the cane .. and tom of course didn't forget to count or to thank and apologize to Hadrian... now he understands.. he wasn't free anymore.. he wasn't tom riddle anymore.. he was terrified of what he became.. he can't escape.. he knew it.. and that though scared him to death.. but he didn't hate it.. he actually enjoyed it.. but that's impossible.. after all he is a genius.. a powerful one.. destined to be the powerful wizard to ever exist.. yet he's spanked by a boy his age.. one that his gaze.. his aura.. his presence itself scream dangerous.. Maybe.. listening to this man.. only this one.. won't be a bad decision.. no.. no not yet..  he wouldn't give up his freedom to a mortal.. he need to make the hocruxes.. and as soon as possible.. drowning in his thoughts..Tom lost consciousness but he was awakened by painful wave of magic shocking his body.. oh yeah.. his punishment wasn't over
:'.. you can't sleep now.. you need to be conscious so I can continue your punishment..' Said Hadrian slapping his bruised butt cheek and tom let out a moan then he saw magic move around him.. it was beautiful.. he never saw this kind of magic.. he followed the pretty magic with his eyes and he saw it forming a.. whip? Then he remembered his punishment.. this divine amazing magic will touch his body.. even if it will be painful.. he wanted to touch it badly.. he needs it.. on his body
The magical whip moved as it hit his back and he screamed again.. it was painful.. his back is burning.. he can feel blood making its way down on his back.. yet he liked the feeling of the magic on him.. he counted the unknown number of hits and didn't forget to thank Hadrian each time Apologizing too.. "such a good boy" thought Hadrian as he hit tom for the 69th time.. they continued like that until tom screamed with his sore throat..
:'one hundred..  thank you for disciplining this sinner.. please forgive my sin.. I will never misbehave again.. please.. I beg you' Tom screamed crying hysterically..
:'it's over.. you are  good .. you are forgiven.. I hope you learned your lesson..' Hadrian said petting tom's head
:'yes I did.. thank you for teaching me.. you are most generous and passionate' Tom said kissing Hadrian's hand..
Hadrian picked tom up and cleaned him healing the wounds so they won't get infected but leaving the scars.. his ass colored in red and purple.. and the pain is the same.. after that he put Tom with him in bed and they both fell asleep..
In the morning tom woke up his body hurting a lot but he felt safe.. peace and warm.. until he realized he is in Hadrian's bed.. he looked at Hadrian to find him looking at him with obsessed insane eyes that was at the same time loving and dazed with lust.. Tom knew at that moment how much this man want him.. but is it worth giving up his freedom.. his dreams.. his existence?.. can this man really protect him..? What about death.. Hadrian might refuse to make hocruxes with him.. he didn't know the answer and that's why he wasn't ready to give control... he hoped Hadrian can wait until he found his answers..
Tom smiled at Hadrian leaning closer.. the moment he find why Hadrian is hiding his real inheritance.. why he resemble a God more than human.. that moment will be the moment when he will have his answers and will decide if he wanted to kneel for this man or not.. until that moment.. he will not bow to anyone..

        I hope that moment comes soon

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