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Hadrian woke up to see his Tom giving him a blowjob.. such a good toy.. he grabbed tom's hair changing the pace going so fast fucking tom's mouth.. when he cum he kept tom's mouth on him for several minutes then ordered him to kneel on the floor
:'I expect this every morning doll' Hadrian said
:'as you wish master' Tom said bowing his head.. he was happy his master liked what he did.. he didn't have permission to do that .. he was afraid of punishment..
:'Come here my own' Hadrian said and tom crawled to him.. Hadrian smiled and picked tom up then put him on his lap..
:'my little tom.. don't be afraid of me.. you are my obedient doll.. and I will not hurt you if you continue like that.. are we OK?' Hadrian said petting tom's head
:'yes master I understand' Tom smiled leaning on his master's shoulder burying his face in Hadrian's neck..
:'.. master?' Tom asked
:' yes my own' Hadrian replied kissing his forehead
:'.. am i your only mate?.. do you plan on taking other mates?' Tom asked and saw the dangerous glow in his master's eyes
:'..I'm so sorry.. sorry..  please forgive me.. I didn't mean to anger you' Tom begged
:'shsh.. it's ok I'm not going to hurt you.. and you are my only mate.. I may use other toys.. playthings.. but you are my only one.. my heart and my love belong only to you'
:'.. I'm honored my master.. I know I don't have anything valuable to give you.. so I hope you won't get bored with me.. you own my everything.. I'm sorry for giving you a hard time this last month'.. Tom said smiling.. he expected his master to have other mates.. he expected to have to fight for his master's favor.. but he was the only one.. his master Choose him.. just him.. yes there will be toys.. but he was the only one who earned his master's love..
Hadrian smiled a genuine smile for the  first time in ages..
:'such a good boy.. come on let's take a shower.. don't forget we need to go to hogwarts..' Hadrian said and chuckled at tom's face.. tom did forget .. his mate is so cute.. he is having a hard time holding himself back ... he walked to the bathroom with Tom in his arms.. they showered together and Hadrian did lost his control and ruined tom .. after that they put on their clothes and went to platform 9¾ they found an empty compartment and sat down.. Hadrian was reading a book and tom was determined to absorb as many informations as he can by asking Hadrian several questions
:'so if someone had basilisk venom in their body and instead of dying he was healed with.. let's say Phoenix tears.. will his body go back to normal or will he have new abilities'.. Tom asked and Hadrian looked at him.. if he didn't know that tom knew nothing of his life as Harry Potter he will be so shocked at the moment...
:'he will have the abilities of both creatures' Hadrian said.. It was true.. Harry didn't know at first.. but after he killed voldemort.. he discovered that he can't get drunk since the healing abilities of the Phoenix recognized alcohol as a poison.. his blood was poisonous.. and his stare can kill easily.. he was terrified but he began to actually like those abilities.. well tom doesn't need to know for now
:'what about forms.. will he be able to transform into a Phoenix or a basilisk?' Tom asked eagerly
:'both.. he will have both forms' Hadrian said
:'cool.. does he lose his mind while transforming .. like werewolves?' Tom questioned
:'nope.. they have all the brain cells they got' Hadrian replied..
:'that's so good then.. can you do that?' Tom asked but he would actually hit himself for his own stupidity .. this man is a God he can do anything..
:'yes I can.. I will show you later' Hadrian said and tom's eyes lit up with joy
:'.. do you know about hocruxes?' Tom asked after few minutes of silence
Hadrian was shocked with the question.. tom trusted him enough to start a conversation about hocruxes
:'yes I do..' Hadrian said and tom looked at him with big puppy eyes..
:'tell me?' Tom said with begging tone
:'.. a hocrux is an object with part of your soul in it.. every time you make a hocrux you split your soul in half.. and that's dangerous.. because splitting soul causes insanity and a huge loss of a huge amount of magic.. so if you plan on making seven hocruxes .. I don't recommend it' Hadrian said.. he wouldn't let tom try that..  but he was going to see if tom will be willing to do something he directly said he doesn't appreciate.. he wanted to test if tom will stop his plan to be a good boy..  and that's why he didn't order him to stop ..
:'.. how did you know I'm going to make 7' tom asked stunned..
:'I know everything remember? And you love magical things.. and seven is a magical number so it's not that hard to guess'.. Hadrian said chuckling
:'.. you are right master.. I fear death.. I don't want to die.. that's why I was planning on making hocruxes'.. Tom said
:'.. "was planning"? As in you don't want to make hocruxes now?' Hadrian asked
:'yes.. i will try to find another way to be immortal.. hocruxes aren't in my plans anymore' Tom said leaning on his master's shoulder.. he like being close to master..
:'and why is that?' Hadrian asked smiling..
:'master is a God..  he know everything and master is my owner.. I trust master with my entire being.. if master doesn't recommend doing something then I won't do it even if it will lead to my death.. yes I fear death.. but now it's not my worst fear anymore.. and to be honest.. even if I'm not convinced why shouldn't I do something.. as long as master doesn't approve of it I won't even think of it anymore' Tom said and Hadrian's smile was the brightest and most genuine smile he ever made after more than 100000 years.. his Tom was learning how to be a good boy for him so fast.. Hadrian was really pleased with Tom
:'good boy.. I'm pleased ' Hadrian said looking and tom with loving eyes..
:'.. thank you master..' Tom said smiling then he looked at Hadrian uncertainly..
:'what's wrong my pet' Hadrian asked
:'.. can I have a kiss?.. I wanted it for a while but I'm a mere pet.. I can't initiate anything without master's permission' Tom said blushing.. he wanted to be intimate with his master.. he wanted to sit on his master's lap and listen to his master's heart beat.. he wanted to feel safe.. to know that he is not alone now..
Hadrian smiled at that.. what a good pet
:'.. Mt pet.. you are allowed to initiate any intimate activity with me as long as I don't say you can't.. and that would only be only in a case of punishment..' Hadrian said picking tom up and putting him on his lap..
:'thank you master' Tom said leaning on his master .. this was the best feeling he ever had.. he looked up at his master then initiated a kiss
As his master took control of the kiss tom melted in his master's arm .. such good feelings.. such powerful God.. does he really deserve to be here with his master..
They stayed in that position for several minutes then Tom sat back beside Hadrian so his master can continue reading his book.. they both liked the comfortable silence until tom stared his questions again.. well Hadrian didn't have a problem with that.. he is happy to help his Tom..
:'.. master.. do you have a patronus?' Tom asked
:'yes, I do' Hadrian answered
:'can I know what's your patronus form is?' Tom asked his eyes shining with hope
:'let it be a surprise I will show you when we are at hogwarts' Hadrian said and tom nodded his head..  he knew Hadrian would provide any information he want so waiting wouldn't be a problem
:'.. then can you teach me how to cast a patronus?' Tom asked.. he really wanted to learn
:'..you don't have one? I thought it was taught in fifth year defense class?'.. Hadrian said.. his mate was a genius.. why can't he do a simple patronus..
:'..it was.. but i didn't have enough positive and happy memories' Tom answered looking down in shame.. his master will be disappointed now.. he couldn't perform a simple patronus.. Hadrian looked at him and lifted his chin with his fingers
:'it's not your fault.. I will teach you.. you will have enough happy memories to do it.. I will make sure of that'.. Hadrian said kissing him and tom nodded happily.. his master was strict and scary.. but loving as well.. at this moment Tom thought he will be able to cast the patronus with just the memory of his bonding with his master..
They were lost in their moment when someone interrupted them by opening the compartment door without knocking.. Hadrian was ready to kill that person when tom looked at him pleading.. Hadrian sighed and looked at the intruder.. expensive robes.. pale skin.. light blond hair .. this is clearly a malfoy.. Hadrian was a step away from destroying this family they always were a pain in his ass..
:'I was looking for you' malfoy said looking at tom.. but tom didn't answer.. he just looked at Hadrian who smiled knowing what was in tom's mind.. his little doll knew that Hadrian own him completely.. so he have to ask for permission to speak with anyone.. Hadrian nodded giving him permission
:'I never said I will meet you on the train Abraxas.. and I thought you knew better than entering without knocking.. I think you missed my cruciatus' Tom said glaring at the blond who was trembling with fear
:'I apologize please forgive me my lord' Abraxas said bowing to tom..
:'you are lucky I feel merciful today so you better not repeat this kind of behavior.. and you must be grateful my friend here is in a good mood or you would have been dead at least twice now' tom said not noticing the look Hadrian gave him.. well Abraxas noticed and at that moment he knew this boy.. man?.. is dangerous.
:'and may I know who is this friend of yours?' Abraxas asked politely
:'Hadrian Helius peverell... pleasure to meet you heir malfoy' Hadrian said looking at Abraxas with a fake smile.. he was after all angry.. and tom will obviously be punished.
Abraxas looked at him suspiciously..
:'as much as I know.. the peverell line disappeared.. it seems you are the descendant of one of the squibs who was cast away from the Wizarding world and married a muggle..' Abraxas said after some time.. and Hadrian looked at him coldly but didn't reply
:'how dare you-' Tom started but Hadrian shushed him.. it wasn't good to reveal his identity yet.. it will spoil his fun.. he will enjoy the look on the face of the pureblood kids who will mock him.. he smirked evilly
:'I'm sorry if I offended you my lord but I don't think it's wise to befriend him' Abraxas said but apologized quickly after the glare he received from Tom.. after that the train ride was silent and they are finally at hogwarts.. Hadrian looked at the castle lovingly and smiled.. it's been a long time away from home.. now he's back.. and everything will be ok.. he has his Tom.. and he is at hogwarts again.. all he need now is to get rid of a certain old goat.. and of course scare the living shit out of him first..

Finally.. he's back.. now.. it's revenge time

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