10. first day and memories

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In the next morning tom woke up sore and in pain but he didn't hate it.. he deserved his punishment and his master was so kind and used him like the slut he was.. he looked at his master's sleeping face.. he was so handsome.. he was so perfect and tom again swore loyalty, submission and devotion to this God..  he moved down and removed his master's boxers and started serving his dick.. his master deserved the best and tom was determined to offer his all to his master.. he deepthroated the monster in his mouth as he felt hands on his head and heard a groan.. oh hell his master's morning voice was so sexy and arousing.. such a perfect man..
:'move faster .. I'm cumming' he heard his master say and started moving faster and was rewarded by his master's precious cum deep in his throat.. he swallowed the cum licking his master clean then got down the bed and knelt his forehead pressed on the floor body bent down ass up.. presenting himself to his master..
:'good morning master' Tom said
:'good morning doll.. you did a good job this morning and last night too' Hadrian sat on the bed his barefoot in front of tom
:'thank you master' Tom said kissing the blue veins on his master's foot
:'good boy.. now let's get ready for the day' Hadrian said going to the bathroom followed by tom crawling behind him...
They were walking to the great hall when the blond annoying brat joined them..
:'good morning my lord' said Abraxas bowing to tom who was looking at Hadrian for permission, he nodded at Abraxas once he got the permission from his master..
They entered the great hall and sat on the slytherin table and this time Tom was allowed to eat whatever he want.. well it's not like he could do that.. the buttplug inside him was giving him a real hard time and tom barely managed to stop moaning..
:'harry.. Harry..' someone whispered beside Hadrian
:'my name is hadri-..' he didn't even complete the sentence as he saw the shadow of Sirius.. he blinked twice and saw that orion black.. Sirius's father.. was the one saying his name.. he looks almost identical to Sirius..
Tom noticed the longing and the sadness in Hadrian's eyes and wondered why can orion black evoke such emotions in his god-like master..
Hadrian coughed and said again
:'my name is Hadrian not harry..'
:'it's long.. I prefer the short cute harry.. you don't mind.. do you?' Orion said smirking and Hadrian couldn't believe this is the cold stern father Sirius talked about.. Hadrian chuckled and smiled
:'I do not mind being called harry.. and you are?' He asked as he wasn't supposed to know who the boy in front of him was..
:'the one and only orion black, pleasure' orion said playfully as he bowed dramatically and Hadrian couldn't hold back his amused laugh.. this was a perfect example of how genetics work since he heard Sirius use that line multiple times..

On the other side tom was burning with jealousy.. no not because his master is talking with someone else.. his master can do whatever he wish.. but because he couldn't make his master laugh like that and they lived together for months.. while he knew orion just for few fucking minutes.. and he can't do anything to orion because his master is fond of the childish boy, what can he do to earn that laugh too?
:'my lord,.. are you alright?' Said Abraxas as he saw his lord's frown and heavy breathing.. Tom looked at Abraxas and said
:'yes I'm fine' he was obviously not fine but Abraxas did not dare talk back to his lord

As the day passed the slytherins started to tolerate Hadrian's presence even some of them befriended and loved him.. even if he is a muggleborn in their eyes he proved himself to be a prodigy.. breaking tom's records and even more.. he was perfect and at the end of the day he was the gossip of the whole school.. "of course he is.. my master is a God..  he must be worshipped" tom thought as he walked behind his master walking back to the slytherin's common room.. the problem is.. why orion fucking black got the privilege to walk right beside his master.. why is his master allowing that brat to stick on his right side like a gum?.. why can't tom be the one that close to his master.. he doesn't mind it if his master takes another person but isn't tom supposed to be the mate who got his master's love?.. why is his master laughing and showing such a soft expression to another while he had been so harsh with Tom.. 
As they entered the common room tom sat at his usual armchair beside the fireplace while his master was in the middle of the common room getting admired and loved by the slytherins.. even Abraxas was impressed.. and tom really felt bad now..

As they entered their personal chambers tom knelt in front of Hadrian
:'may I ask you something, master' Tom said afraid of offending his master
:'what is it?' Hadrian said as he removed his robes getting ready to take a shower
:'.. do you love orion black?' Tom said the words fearing the answer
:'well.. he reminds me of a precious person.. but I do not hold romantic feelings for him' Hadrian said shrugging as if the matter was as simple as that..
:'.. who is this precious person?' Tom asked regretting it immediately as Hadrian glared at him menacingly
:' are you questioning me?' Hadrian said
:'no.. I would never.. I was just curious.. forgive me master' Tom bowed
:'.. my godfather' Hadrian said..
:'excuse me master?' Tom asked uncertainly as he looked at Hadrian
:'my godfather.. orion reminds me of my godfather' Hadrian said and tom noticed the sadness in his master's voice
:'.. I get it that he is a black then?.. there's very few people that can resemble the blacks' Tom said cautiously
:'.. yes.. he is a black.. in fact he is orion's son.. that's why they practically identical' Hadrian said and tom looked at him sadly.. now he get it and the guilt burns him.. he was jealous and selfish when his master was sad remembering his godfather..
:'was he a good person?.. I mean he did take care of you.. right? So he must be cool' Tom said trying to lighten the atmosphere and ease the tension
:'.. I knew him since I was a baby.. but I met him the first time when I was 13.. he had some problems so he couldn't take custody of me..  when he finally was able to take me.. he was killed.. I was 15 at that time.. he promised me a family.. something I never had.. yet he left before he can fulfill that promise' Hadrian said as he looked away his face blank of emotions.. and tom couldn't bear the sight of his master sad and struggling..
:'.. I'm sorry..' Tom said and he barely heard the "you should be" his master muttered..
:'.. I didn't catch that.. sorry master can you say it again?' Tom said softly
:'.. nothing.. I'm tired.. let's take a shower then go to sleep'..
Tom accepted the change of topic and followed his master to the bathroom as for Hadrian.. he was reminding himself that he shouldn't tell tom of his original life..

He can't destroy his Tom like that, never

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2023 ⏰

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